When the Law Would Leave You Defenseless Against the Likes of Omar Mateen, Carry a Gun Anyway
Police can't defend every gathering, so the people in attendance must take that task on themselves, with or without legal sanction.
Police can't defend every gathering, so the people in attendance must take that task on themselves, with or without legal sanction.
Would it matter if they were?
The Second Amendment's role in the Civil Rights Movement.
Matt Welch talks terrorism and the political instinct to control & clench on tonight's Kennedy
An important Supreme Court decision on the right to self-defense involved the fear of anti-LGBT violence.
One need only be suspected of an ineffective "feel-good law" to be deprived of rights.
Restrictions favored by the president, including a ban on gun purchases by people on "watch lists," are ineffective, unconstitutional, or both.
Trying to ban both open carry and concealed carry is a bit of a problem.
Rule 1: Don't use early moments to advance your longstanding grievances against immigrants, Muslims, or guns.
"When will this stop? When will we get tough, smart & vigilant?" tweets Trump.
9th Circuit upholds gun control scheme.
Katie Couric admits to deceptive edit, but anti-gun extremist director still standing by it
The Democrats' choice for president refuses to say what the Second Amendment protects.
Judge upholds jury's sentence recommendation for Robert Bates, who killed Eric Harris in gun purchase sting operation.
Couric offers advice for aspiring journalists and a little self-reflection.
The cable channel running Under the Gun says it stands behind the "creative and editorial judgment."
Matt Welch talks 2016 politics on tonight's Kennedy at 8 p.m. ET
Detachable magazines, ammunition purchase without background check, and magazines holding more than 10 bullets among many things the California Senate wants to outlaw.
Let's get this deleted. Thanks, The vast majority of Americans.
Will they be able to exercise their right to own a gun again, or just to vote for their leaders?
A preliminary injunction upholds the Second Amendment right to armed self-defense outside the home.
The 9th Circuit reinstates a challenge to a California ordinance that blocked a gun store.
Despite calls to end the militarization of police, new report says "2014 and 2015 were peak years" for local PDs acquiring weapons, armored vehicles, and more.
Future President Clinton may well impose new restrictions on guns. Getting Americans to obey them will be a tougher trick.
Yes, especially if their right to vote's been restored.
Broad police discretion over who may own and carry guns seems blatantly unconstitutional.
Lancet study is far from proving its case, and highlights the difficulties of using statistical analysis to lead to causal conclusions about laws' effects.
At Pitzer College, offense trumps art.
The Nation relies on ad hominem attacks on one gun researcher, not facts.
Liberal academics who say they want more diversity are often lying.
What facts can the plaintiffs discover to substantiate their broad reading of "negligent entrustment"?
Has he changed his mind, or is he trying to have it both ways?
Some in federal prison may see sentence reductions.
A Brooklyn man is arrested for paying cops to "expedite" pistol permit applications, a business created by arbitrary regulations.
He has turned against the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act but talks like he still supports it.
"The Obama administration initiated Operation Choke Point to punish law-abiding small businesses that don't align with the president's political leanings," says Cruz.
Millennial women are ambivalent about feminism, fans of Bernie Sanders, fearful of Donald Trump, and want government out of their uteruses and their gun racks, thanks.
Alabama man is also suing Utah cops for violating his Second Amendment rights
She says Vermont "has the highest per capita number" of New York crime guns bought in other states.
Trying to impugn Bernie Sanders, she falsely claims his state provides a big share of crime guns in hers.
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