Your Tax Returns Are Hacker Bait
The IRS is a terrible guardian of information, and the tax man keeps a treasure trove of personal data about almost every American.
How the Tax Code Manipulates Us
Every time tax rules nudge us in a chosen direction, they preempt the market's signals.
Bitcoin and Taxes
The IRS's announcement about taxing Bitcoin won't kill the libertarian Bitcoin dream
Republicans Craft Tax Hike for Harvard and Yale
The GOP should be thinking up ways to cut taxes, not raise them.
Laboratories for Prosperity
A comprehensive study confirms that free-market principles work outside Washington.
Prosecutors Appeal Sentence, Seek Prison for Beanie Babies Founder
For hiding millions to avoid taxes
Obama's Great Conflation and What it Means for You
Why does the president insist on confusing income inequality and economic mobility?
Obama's 'Opportunity' Makes Everybody Less Well Off
It's easier to climb a ladder that's been cut-off by politicians.
Peyton Manning Could Pay New Jersey More in Taxes for the Super Bowl Than He Earns For Playing It
The state always takes its cut
French Central Bank Governor Backs Socialist President's Tax Proposal
Francois Hollande's proposal to cut the charges companies pay for family benefits could save those companies $41 billion by 2017
'Promise Zones' Don't Fix What Truly Ails Poor Communities
Fostering economic recovery requires easing up on regulations