Rand Paul
No Rand Paul Surprise in Iowa; Fifth Place, Likely 4.5 Percent [UPDATED and Corrected on County Breakdown]
Ron Paul counties in 2012 went for 9 for Cruz, 7 for Trump; big college counties for Rubio
Rand Paul's Iowa Chances
A surprisingly consistent libertarian message, his people believe, will prove the polls dead wrong tonight at the Iowa caucuses.
How Ted Cruz Turned His Back on Drug War Prisoners
The Texas senator, once a leading Republican advocate of sentencing reform, seems to have abandoned the cause.
Rand Paul's Strange Abortion Incoherence in the Debate
By trying to straddle the federalism divide on abortion, his stance seems confusing and unconvincing to all sides.
GOP Debate Showed What the Republican Primary Looks Like Without Donald Trump
It's not more libertarian, but it is lot more substantive.
Rand Paul Covers Comprehensive Criminal Justice Reform in Debate Answer on Ferguson
Rand Paul gives Black Lives Matter policy agenda a substantive voice on the debate stage
Rand Paul Claims He's Rightful Heir to 'Liberty Vote' in GOP Debate
Paul bashes Cruz on criminal justice reform, says the liberty vote will "stay in the family."
U.S. Considering 'Military Options' to Stem Rise of Islamic State in Libya
We have always been at war with terror, or Libya, or ISIS, or whoever
Corny Crony Capitalism in Iowa
Cruz and Paul stand on principle against the federal ethanol mandate while all the other candidates pander.
Rand Paul: In The Final Pre-Iowa Debate, and Optimistic About Iowa
The Kentucky senator disses Ted Cruz, says he's the only fiscal conservative, worries about armed self-defense, and hopes for a youth surge to propel him in Iowa caucuses
Lexington Mayor Challenging Rand Paul's Senate Seat in Kentucky
A Democrat is running as a businessman, pension reformer (also: openly gay).
No, Eminent Domain Is Not an 'Obscure Legal Issue'
Credit Trump with bringing a common state and local flashpoint issue into the primaries.
Resolved: This Is Not an Election About Restraining the President
Candidates mostly ignore survey asking about limits on executive authority.
Rand Paul: Answers Everything at Reddit, Another Bill to Federally Ban Abortion
The candidate on ISIS, pot, Bernie, Trump, hair, debt, .gifs, and duck-sized horses
Rand Paul's Iowa Hopes
With help from multiple SuperPACs and college kids as a hoped-for ace in the hole, Paul fights to win in Iowa caucuses.
Did Ron Paul Really Say Donald Trump Will Win GOP Presidential Nod?
Not really, but the folks at Breitbart and Independent Journal are hyping it that way.
Does Sarah Palin's Endorsement of Donald Trump Mean the Tea Party Is (or Should Be) Dead?
Not so fast, say Thomas Massie, Justin Amash, and Matt Kibbe
Rand Paul Livetweets the Democratic Debate
Points out Hillary Clinton's past on criminal justice reform in a way Democrats don't want to.
Why Aren't GOP Candidates Talking About Debt & Deficits?
These days, would-be presidents are only interested in increasing spending, especially on defense.
Rand Paul Says Pot Prohibition Should Be Repealed
The Kentucky senator says "there's no real reason to have a federal rule on that."
GOP Debate Interrupted By Cries of 'We Want Rand'—It's a Sad Stage without Him
A Rand-less GOP is a terrifyingly authoritarian spectacle.
Ted Cruz: "?It is now clear that Snowden is a traitor, and he should be tried for treason."
GOP presidential candidate had once praised Snowden for making surveillance abuses by government public.
Rand Paul Will Answer Your Questions Tonight if You Turn Off the Debate He Was Excluded From
Decision to skip the undercard debate seems to have delivered more and better earned media than showing up would have.
Rand Paul on Daily Show: Gov't Shouldn't Tell You What To "Smoke, Drink, and Eat"
The "libertarianish" senator lays out vision of limited government while sipping bourbon with Trevor Noah.
Politico Makes Strong Case for Rand Paul To Be on Main Stage at GOP Debate
Late-breaking poll shows libertarianish senator in fifth place in Iowa.
Sen. Sanders Remains a Backer in Auditing the Federal Reserve (UPDATE: Effort Fails)
Sanders and Paul on same side on oversight issue.
Rand Paul, Carly Fiorina Booted from Main GOP Presidential Debate Thursday
Prideful Paul won't participate in the undercard debate on Fox Business News.
Rand Paul: I'm 'the one candidate that doesn't want to make the sand glow in the Middle East'
The senator talks about his Audit the Fed vote tomorrow, why he belongs on the main debate stage, and how the GOP 'needs to become more diverse, not only ideologically but ethnically as well'
Listen to Matt Welch Today and All Week at Noon ET on SiriusXM Channel 121!
Call 877-974-7487 to heckle the host and Matt Kibbe about Rand Paul, David Bowie, and the 'Libertarian Moment'
"Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and the Missile Headed for Grandma's House"
When it comes to foreign policy, there's less difference among the leading contenders than you might think.
Liberty is a Flame That Needs Protection by Rand Paul, SuperPAC Ad in Iowa Will Likely Say [UPDATED]
Text of likely forthcoming Iowa Rand Paul TV ads paid for by PurplePAC says Paul is only protection against government "that tells us what we can and can't do. That spies on its own citizens."
Can Ted Cruz Win Over Libertarians?
Probably not, but he's going to have to if he wants to win in New Hampshire - and in November.
Rand Paul Rightly "Appalled" That NSA Spied on Members of Congress
We don't need more surveillance of Americans, says Paul. "We need...more targeted surveillance."
Was 2015 The Year Libertarianism Died?
The fall of Rand Paul and the rise of Donald Trump means the Libertarian Moment is dead. Also, I've a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.
NPR Visits Rand Paul's Hometown and Finds Big Gov't Irony
"Lake Jackson, Texas, sprang from the shotgun wedding of industry and big government"
10 Rand Paul #Festivus Insult-Tweets That May Amuse and/or Bemuse You
The senator begins his annual Airing of Grievances by dropping #sickburns on his rivals.
At Least Republicans Are Having a Foreign Policy Debate
Democrats blithely marching toward fifth Bush term.
The Biggest Loser at the GOP Debate? America, I Argue Tonight on Red Eye w/ Tom Shillhue
Unkind words for Donald Trump, Chris Christie, John Kasich, Vladimir Putin and more, at 3 a.m. ET on Fox News
Rand Paul Is Virtually the Only Candidate Who Doesn't Want to Start World War III in Syria
GOP debate separates the interventionist hawks from... the one other guy.
Rubio Insists NSA Needs All Our Metadata; Cruz and Paul Call Him Out
Surveillance brought up in Republican debate.
Rand Paul vs. The Libertarian Moment
Does the Kentucky senator's lackluster presidential campaign mean that nobody supports "Free Minds and Free Markets"?
Rand Paul Unveils Loud and Scary New Ad Attacking Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and Refugees
As campaign falters, the Kentucky senator "sounds the alarm."
Rand Paul Falsely Slams Marco Rubio for Being 'Open Borders'
Paul hits at Rubio for an immigration policy very similar to his own 2013 one.