For the First Time, Pennsylvania Might Have an Independent Speaker of the House
A declaration of independence capped a wild day in Pennsylvania's State House.
'The Principles Should Endure': Sen. Pat Toomey on Fusionism, Tariffs, and What's To Blame for FTX's Collapse
After two terms in the Senate as a champion for free markets and limited government, Pennsylvania's Republican senator is heading into retirement.
One Foot off the Grid, Where We Don't Have To Deal With the City Water Department
Living without government services isn't necessarily cheaper or easier, but it sure beats putting up with municipal bureaucracies.
Pennsylvania Republicans Impeached Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner. Now What?
If it comes down to a party-line vote, Republicans don't have enough seats in the state Senate to remove Krasner from office.
Democrats Spent Millions Boosting Far-Right Republicans. How Did It Pan Out?
And is this a good precedent to be setting?
Bernie Sanders-Backed John Fetterman Prevails in Pennsylvania
Voters told exit pollsters they had little confidence in the ability of either Fetterman or Oz to represent Pennsylvania.
Libertarian Party Chair Angela McArdle Won't Endorse Blake Masters, Slams Dr. Oz, Fetterman, Georgia GOP
"The fact that [Dr. Oz] can't beat Fetterman in a race is not anything that libertarians should be biting their nails or clutching their pearls over."
In Pennsylvania, John Fetterman and Dr. Oz Race to the Bottom
Neither candidate in the crucially important Pennsylvania Senate race has made much of a positive case for his candidacy.
Will Pennsylvania's Libertarian Senate Candidate Drop Out? 'That's a Hard No.'
Like Arizona's Marc Victor, Erik Gerhardt is a potential spoiler in one of the nation's biggest Senate races. Unlike Victor, he's embracing the role.
Why Are Democrats Still Backing Trumpists in GOP Primaries?
Democrats paid $435,000 to back a pro-Trump Republican in Michigan—nearly $100,000 more than the candidate himself raised.
Debating Dr. Oz, John Fetterman Cannot Explain His About-Face on Fracking
Fetterman has auditory processing issues related to a stroke in May, but still had trouble explaining why he seems to have changed his mind.
Larry Krasner: Are Progressive Prosecutors Responsible for the Urban Crime Spike?
Q&A with Philadelphia's district attorney, who is facing an impeachment threat because of rising crime.
Larry Krasner: Are Progressive Prosecutors Responsible for the Urban Crime Spike?
Q&A with Philadelphia's district attorney, who is facing an impeachment threat because of rising crime.
This Election Day, Listen to the Betting Market Instead of Pundit Predictions
Over time, betting has been a better predictor than polls, pundits, statistical models, and everything else.
Hiring Formerly Incarcerated People Is Good, Actually
Some conservative media outlets and politicians lambast the practice. But if you care about public safety, that opposition doesn't make sense.
Democratic Gubernatorial Candidate Who Defended COVID Lockdowns in Court Now Says They Were a Mistake
Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro is trying to retcon two years of bad policy.
Senate Candidate Dr. Oz, Who Once Sang Pot's Praises, Now Thinks Supporting Legalization Is Clearly Crazy
The former TV doctor, who two years ago said "we ought to completely change our policy on marijuana," mocks his opponent for agreeing.
John Fetterman Proposes Prosecuting Oil Executives for High Gas Prices
Ignoring the principles of supply and demand, Fetterman thinks high gas prices should be a matter for law enforcement.
A Case That Pits Gun Rights Activism Against Federalism
Gun control advocates may embrace the 10th Amendment.
COVID Taught More Than 1 Million Parents the Value of School Choice
Educational freedom is good for everybody but unions, bureaucrats, and the education establishment.
Cop Who Killed Tamir Rice Briefly Hired by Small Pennsylvania Town
After community outrage and the mayor saying he wasn't told about Timothy Loehmann's policing background, the officer withdrew his application.
Pennsylvania Town Threatens Churches With $500 Fines for Providing Free Meals, Counseling Services
Borough officials in Pottstown, Pennsylvania, told Mission First and Christ Episcopal churches that their charitable work goes beyond what the zoning code allows for downtown churches.
Dr. Oz Warns That Legalizing Marijuana in Pennsylvania Would Aggravate Unemployment by Weakening 'Mojo'
The Republican Senate candidate is echoing decades of anti-pot propaganda, but evidence to support his hypothesis is hard to find.
Pennsylvania Democrats Say Doug Mastriano Is a Danger to Democracy. Why Did They Help Him Win?
Democratic gubernatorial nominee Josh Shapiro ran ads that boosted Mastriano's GOP primary campaign. There's no way this strategy could ever backfire, right?
Pennsylvania Voters Rejected the Political Establishment in Tuesday's Primaries
But the pitched battle for the GOP Senate nomination in the Keystone State is still too close to call.
Democrats Pivot to Pot for Votes. Will It Work?
It may not translate to victory in November, but increased support for marijuana legalization is a welcome change.
How Worrying Are Pro-Trump Gubernatorial Candidates Running on Rigged Election Claims?
It may not be a successful strategy in general elections, but it's still deeply unnerving.
From Pat Toomey to Dr. Oz: The Pennsylvania Senate Race Reflects the GOP's Descent Into Madness
Donald Trump's staying power and the decline of fusionism are on full display in this primary race.
Philadelphia's D.A. Sees Little Value and Much Injustice in Gun Possession Arrests
Larry Krasner also questions the effectiveness of "supply-side" measures aimed at reducing criminals' access to firearms.
Pennsylvania's Fuel Tax Is Supposed To Fund Bridge Repair. Billions Went to Cops Instead.
Pennsylvania has one of the nation's highest gas taxes, but those user fees haven't helped fix the state's poor roads and bridges.
This Libertarian Won His Local Election, but the Politicians He'd Audit Refuse To Seat Him
A Pennsylvania township's board of supervisors is refusing to seat elected auditors.
Is Dr. Oz Fit To Join the U.S. Senate?
The TV personality's extensive history of promoting dubious nostrums suggests that he isn't.
Cop Kills 8-Year-Old Girl; Two Teens Charged With Her Murder
Fanta Bility's death has revived an under-the-radar debate about the doctrine of transferred intent.
ACLU Sues a Pennsylvania County for Detaining Probation Violators for Months With No Hearings
A Supreme Court ruling requires due process before sending these people back to jail. That’s not happening in Montgomery County.
In a New Survey, Victims of Philadelphia's Forfeiture Racket Highlight the Hazards of Giving Cops a License To Steal
"What they're doing is like robbery," observed one property owner.
Pennsylvania's Liquor Control Board Will Ration Booze Sales Because It Won't Admit That Prices Work
Price controls fail for other products, and liquor is no different.
Charging Bit Players With Drug-Induced Homicide Is Unjust and Potentially Deadly
A new investigation of Pennsylvania prosecutions confirms that the defendants are often friends or low-level dealers.
Cops Punched a Man Hanging From a Window and Tased Him After He Fell. They Got Qualified Immunity.
But the appeals court wasn't having it.
Legislators Demand a Voice in Public Health Restrictions
The COVID-19 pandemic showed the dangers of letting governors unilaterally, dramatically, and indefinitely magnify their own powers.
Empowered by Voters, Pennsylvania Legislators Are Poised To End the Governor's 15-Month COVID-19 Emergency
The resolution is part of a broader movement to rein in executive power during emergencies.
She Was Sentenced to 21 Years in Prison for Handing Drugs to a Friend Who Overdosed. A Federal Court Wasn't Having It.
The case is a good reminder of the far-reaching effects of the war on drugs.