Bloomberg Signs Law Increasing NYC Smoking Age to 21
Some more authoritarian nannying to get out of the way before leaving office
Some more authoritarian nannying to get out of the way before leaving office
Except, of course, about stop-and-frisk
Prize established by a Russian Jewish charity, Benjamin Netanyahu will present it in May
He sure could use the money, we're sure
"[I]t may be art, but it should not be permitted."
Who are the people, groups, and government agencies behind the Bloomberg administration's food policies? Keep Food Legal is forced to sue to find out.
One nanny stater helps another?
Bet he'll argue that's proof there needs to be even more rules
Though he said the Times got it right when they endorsed Joe Lhota
Prohibitionists target a safe alternative looks like smoking?
Oversight over NYPD program will be implemented
We should be concerned whenever the executive branch unilaterally declares it will write its own law.
What next? Tracking chips?
Why is Bloomberg afraid to equip New York City police with body cameras?
The practice was recently ruled unconstitutional
Says court ruling against it will have "deadly consequences"
In a set of bills that also looks to raise the smoking age to 21, set a minimum price for cigarettes, and ban tobacco coupons
The mayor's race in New York City is anyone's to win. Who will be the victor? My money's on the anti-Bloomberg.
But his anti-gun website had to be hosted by the city?
New Yorkers voted for this guy three times
That's an odd use of city staff
Four state senators declined to support more regulations
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