Colorado Republicans Upset White House Getting Involved in State Gun Control Debate
Say Joe Biden's been lobbying
Say Joe Biden's been lobbying
Felony aggravated menacing, reckless endangerment charges possible for shooting gun into air in Delaware
Says they should buy a shotgun for protection, not a high-capacity weapon
Addressing WMDs could help repair the strained relationship
Only two vice presidents were ever elected president at the end of their terms
Attended Iowa State Society ball on Saturday
I'll squeeze you in before I walk my dog, Joe
Expecting strong opposition in Congress
The impulse to control weapons more is understandable, even if it's misplaced.
Well, this is going to go over well
Focus looks to shift after Biden announces his recommendations this week
Won't stop them from trying to shove through a bunch of policies, though
Could include universal background checks
Why, a cynical person might conclude the current meetings were just to put an aura of consensus over proposals that were already written
And what could be better than a President Joe? For late-night TV hosts, that is.
NRA wasn't even invited until Biden started meeting with other groups
What every legislator - and citizen - needs to know.
Meet the second term, same as the first, but a whole lot louder and a whole lot worse
His task force starting to work this week
One of the groups meeting with the gun control task group headed by the vice president
Role of video games and movies in killings to be discussed
Maybe he'll go handfishing one episode
Vice president taking lead in talks, joined late last night
Calls Special Agent Greg to tell him he proposed a Congressional resolution naming him Best Detective of the Year
Will he and Andy share words of wisdom or will Ron plot his untimely demise?
Polls will be closed in 48 hours
Nobody even knows what he's talking about anymore