Why Everything About Politics Sucks, in 1 Chart
Only 6 percent of Americans say the federal government is extremely "careful with taxpayer money," yet those same Americans consistently report that they want the government to do more.
Only 6 percent of Americans say the federal government is extremely "careful with taxpayer money," yet those same Americans consistently report that they want the government to do more.
Under Biden, Trump, and Obama, government federal spending almost doubled.
A new report from the Government Accountability Office found that nearly $80 billion was paid out to ineligible beneficiaries or outright fraudsters.
Iraq and Afghanistan veterans wouldn't have to show any link between their service and a long list of medical conditions to obtain government-funded healthcare.
A new GAO report finds that the government lacks a "national strategy with clear roles, goals, objectives, and performance measures."
Perhaps the government shouldn't be running golf courses in the first place?
The president's argument is amazing for its tone-deafness, inconsistent thinking, and sheer economic ignorance.
The federal bailout of state and local governments padded the paychecks of many public employees.
Biden's three-point plan to tackle inflation is really a one-point plan: Let the Federal Reserve handle this mess.
Lawmakers stuffed more than $8 billion in pet projects into an omnibus federal spending bill passed in March. But wait, didn't Congress ban earmarks back in 2011?
The president is trying to claim credit for falling deficits. Actually, his administration has overseen a $2.4 trillion increase in the long-term deficit.
Republicans have thrived since Ronald Reagan granted amnesty to 2.7 million mostly Mexican illegal immigrants in 1986.
There is seldom any meaningful accountability for government incompetence.
When politicians break the economy, they hurt us in the short term but also create future opportunities to do harm in the name of undoing the damage they inflicted.
The department lost nearly $2.4 million on data plans for iPhones and iPads that sat in storage.
Several studies have found that the vast majority of costs incurred by increased corporate taxes are passed along to workers in the form of lower wages.
Biden gloats over a historically astronomical budget deficit as if he's accomplished something significant. He hasn't.
New CBO report shows that the longer Congress waits to deal with the debt, the bigger the problem becomes.
Mourn the end of a too-brief interlude of relative peace and prosperity.
However wonderful it is to imagine a world in which these things are possible, the government shouldn’t be shelling out millions to entertain speculation.
No matter how you slice it, no one person or policy is solely to blame for surging inflation.
The White House is making it harder for people to request waivers from cost-increasing Buy America requirements in the $1.2 trillion infrastructure law.
The Restaurant Revitalization Fund Replenishment Act would give restaurants another $42 billion in grants to cover the lingering costs of the pandemic.
Certain politicians would do well to learn that inflation is not caused by corporate "greed."
The president's $5.8 trillion budget shows he wants more of the same government spending that is already sending prices through the roof.
Some want to solve the problem with subsidies for gas, housing, child care, and more. That only risks greater stagnation.
Joe Manchin keeps saying out loud the part that Joe Biden would rather keep quiet.
If approved by the New York legislature, it would be the biggest public handout in NFL history.
Plus: A "right" to avoid shaming and shunning? A win for private property rights in Tennessee. And more...
From New Jersey to California, state lawmakers are mulling one-off rebates and tax credits to ease the pain of rising prices.
The president is running from his own hefty contributions to record gas prices and inflation.
More evidence that the public health bureaucracy dropped the ball when a once-in-a-generation pandemic hit.
Congress used the COVID-19 pandemic as an excuse to throw money around in ways that would be comedic if the results weren't so tragic.
Few politicians are willing to admit deficit spending is the larger cause.
Lawmakers packed $8 billion of pork into the omnibus bill that passed Congress last night.
Congress continues to allocate funds to produce weapons that the Pentagon itself says it doesn't need.
Democrats hail the new budget agreement as "the largest increase in non-defense discretionary spending in four years" while Republicans tout a big boost in military spending. Everyone wins!
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has barred men aged 18-60 from leaving the country.
Inspiring support for Ukrainian freedom is undermined by the remainder of the president’s agenda.
We must face the reality that the debt does matter.
"If I do my job right, you should barely know I'm here."
The president touted his support of cost-increasing 'Buy America' requirements for American infrastructure projects.
The issue has never been a lack of funds for infrastructure; it's that the money frequently ends up getting spent on something else via a highly politicized decision-making process.
From the CDC to the FDA, there are too many missteps to list.
Child care workers benefit from state subsidies. They’re fighting against possible cuts by encouraging regressive taxes that fuel a new drug war.
Most of the $800 billion Paycheck Protection Program went to business owners, not preserving jobs, according to a new study.
But Washington just keeps hitting the snooze button.
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