Zika Coming to America: Use GMO Mosquitoes to Fight It!
Blame any zika-caused microencephaly on Friends of the Earth, the Center for Food Safety, Food & Water Watch, and GMO Free USA
Blame any zika-caused microencephaly on Friends of the Earth, the Center for Food Safety, Food & Water Watch, and GMO Free USA
Moms: Get a clue-organic wines are carcinogens.
Just another stupid regulatory cost with no discernible benefits to people
Sanders is basically enabling an unscientific disinformation campaign.
More, better, and safer food - but only if regulators will stay out of the way.
"We are now at the dawn of the gene-editing age."
Farmers would have to plow down an area roughly equal to Connecticut.
Taleb's anti-GMO precautionary nonsense is unethical and harms poor people
Fallacious arguments against developing and growing modern biotech crops is cause for great moral concern.
Planting biotech crops will not lead to human extinction or global ecocide.
Researchers will use CRISPR gene-editing technique to explore how human embryos develop.
Activists hope that consumers will misinterpret GMO ingredient taglines as "warning" labels
While we wait for a vaccine, GMO mosquitoes are here now to help control the outbreak.
Preliminary forensic analysis suggests intentional data manipulation
A scitech research and policy roundup for January 6, 2016
Food policy cognoscenti discuss the top issues of 2015 and predict what might happen in 2016.
A raving anti-tech activist's conspiracy theory about Chipotle's recent E. coli outbreaks.
"If scientists can dream of a genetic manipulation, CRISPR can now make it happen"
Forget Right and Left: Are You an Upwinger or a Downwinger?
Anticipating the amazing innovations made possible by CRISPR
Activists decry failure to adhere to technology-killing precautionary principle
It only took 20 years to obtain bureaucratic permission
Neo-Malthusians still get it wrong: Markets and science will feed 9 billion if not blocked.
Bioethicists are again trying to stand athwart progress, yelling stop
Good news! Dire predictions about cancer epidemics, mass extinction, overpopulation, and more turned out to be a bust.
Enjoy the delicious schadenfreude
Bailey responds to the criticism below
Modest self-promotion of my new book
The burrito chain stokes bogus GMO fears and tries to profit from anti-biotech propaganda.
Terrific Slate article agrees with what Reason has been reporting for years now.
Preempts costly state mandatory labeling laws
Or so some hyperventilating scaremongering nitwits would have you think.
Factories with lab-grown milk and cultured meat will replace industrial farms
Is life better than death; health better disease; wealth better than poverty? Opinions vary.
Is progress itself an ethical obligation? Opinions vary.
Voluntary GMO labeling will express religious views and strictures much like halal and kosher labels do now.
The food chain tries to profit from anti-biotech propaganda
Courts. Federal, state, and local laws. It's difficult to keep up with all of the developments around genetically modified foods.
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