How Cutting-Edge Medicine Might Have Spared Us the Ebola Epidemic
The promise of technical end-runs around government ineptitude
The promise of technical end-runs around government ineptitude
Reason-Rupe finds the public wants Congress to return to DC to vote on ISIS now and is split between raising taxes and cutting spending to pay for the latest war
The next big political fix for our ailing health care system should be to get out of Silicon Valley's way.
The Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund's first annual Food Freedom Fest, which took place last weekend, was a fantastic event.
We're squandering "unbelievable" scientific possibilities.
The FDA's growing crackdown on added food ingredients just doesn't add up.
In the FDA's world, Facebook likes are advertising and honey is a "new drug" that must be regulated.
The feds list pot as one of the most dangerous drugs.
Did the FDA really back down? There are holes in that argument.
You dine at the pleasure of the FDA. Enjoy it while it lasts.
A new method of HIV prevention leads to old-school sex-shaming
FDA regulation of e-cigarettes could amount to a slow-motion ban.
How much pomegranate and blueberry must appear in "Pomegranate Blueberry" juice for the name not to be deceptive?
Tobacco Control Act? More like Marlboro Monopoly Act.
Say they go much further than they intended and would be impossible to implement
An industry not under government control? We can't allow that.
Previous research found no identifiable health risks
No money included for plant inspectors
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