Edward Snowden
Snowden: NSA Helps Israel By Spying on Gaza
The relationship has, on at least one occasion, entailed the covert payment of a large amount of cash to Israeli operatives.
NSA Allowed to Spy On Pretty Much Anyone, Anywhere, Documents Reveal
Broad authorization, convenient legal interpretations, and technical hanky-panky put us all at risk.
Do the French Want Edward Snowden?
French magazine L'Express uses Change.org to petition François Hollande to grant the NSA whistleblower asylum
Glenn Greenwald's No Place to Hide Reveals the Secrets Behind Edward Snowden's Revelations
A pulse-racing exposé of the government's conspiracy to violate every American's right to privacy
Greenwald and Chomsky Smack Down Surveillance State Talking Points
Tackling the attacks on Edward Snowden and the complicit media
Glenn Greenwald's New NSA Book: Agency Wants to 'Know it All'
Book details how he met Snowden and reveals more NSA documents
The Original NSA Whistleblower
Intelligence analyst William Binney's revelations preceded Edward Snowden's by more than decade. Why didn't anyone listen?