SCOTUS Declines Opportunity to Limit Random Border Patrol Stops
The Court's decision leaves motorists vulnerable to the whims of armed government agents who can stop them at will.
The Court's decision leaves motorists vulnerable to the whims of armed government agents who can stop them at will.
The policies favored by Cruz and Trump will alienate voters Republicans need to win.
El Paso Rep. Beto O'Rourke explains what the GOP frontrunner misses about Mexican immigrants (and everything else).
Complaints detail the Border Patrol's routine constitutional abuses.
To stop you, agents need no special reason; to search your car, all they need is a dog.
Presidential candidates demand more action on illegal immigrants and illegal drugs, but the two goals conflict.
Trump, Carson, Walker, et al turn their backs on Ronald Reagan in favor of nonsense, xenophobia, and outright cruelty.
Clashed with police yesterday.
Since 2001, all would-be terrorists were within our borders legally
Should armed agents of the state be able to organize and use their power to influence politics?
Does a random killing justify fears of uncontrolled immigration?
Republican presidential hopeful tells it like it isn't on Mexican immigrants and crime.
A federal appeals court gives a pass to unconstitutional harassment by border cops.
How immigration checkpoint stops lead to illegal detention and searches
How the Supreme Court allows drug dragnets while calling them unconstitutional
Would-be CBP agent gets the full CBP treatment at an internal checkpoint.
Doesn't a traveler's computer deserve as much protection as an arrestee's cellphone?
"When people knock on your door, and they are fleeing abuse, the United States is obligated morally and legally to let them in."
Internal checkpoints drive peaceful citizens to assert their rights and share the results
A federal appeals court gives a pass to unconstitutional harassment by border cops.
A look at America's expanding immigration detention system
Criminals with badges and federal paychecks
U.S. Border Patrol agents are routinely harassing American citizens who just want to drive home from work.
Two thirds of Americans live within a hundred miles of a border or coast, where feds are allowed to violate more of their rights
No easy solutions to the border mess in sight.
Thousands of Central American children are fleeing prohibition-related violence.
Jose Antonio Vargas detained while attempting to board flight in Texas
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