Transportation Policy
Sen. Rand Paul Is Right to Oppose Targeted Killing of U.S. Citizens
He is standing up for the principle that secret law has no place in a constitutional democracy.
Is the 'Sharing Economy' a New Paradigm for American Capitalism?
A mushy phrase gives liberals cover to join the fight against big government.
All Hail the "Sharing Economy!" A Mushy Phrase Gives Liberals Cover to Join the Fight Against Big Government
A libertarian's guide to the sharing economy.
Woman With a Car vs. Washington D.C.'s Taxi Cartel
Chapter one of a four-part series on the sharing economy.
Rand Paul Wants Drone Killing Memos Released to Public, Patrick Leahy OK With Just Senate Seeing Them
Author of a number of memos providing legal basis for extrajudicially killing U.S. citizens has been nominated for a federal judgeship.
Rand Paul Threatens to Put Hold on Obama Nominee Over Drone Memo
1st Circuit Court of Appeals nominee reportedly wrote at least one secret memo justifying the killing of Anwar al-Awlaki.
The Drone War's Secrets and Lies
If our government thinks it is justified in killing people, it shouldn't act like it has something to hide.
Port Authoritarians
The shadowy bureaucracy behind Chris Christie's Bridgegate scandal is a signature failure of excessive government.
California Officials Dread Rail Project Trial
The $68 billion high-speed boondoggle may not comply with its legal promise.
A Legal Way to Kill?
The Obama administration is probably right to fear the public reveal of its heretofore secret rationale for extra-judicial killing.
Harmless Drones Get Federal Flak
The FAA is throwing its weight around, not protecting the public.
Dallas Unveils Super-Safe New School Bus With Fingerprint Scanner and Rear-View 'Pedophile Finder'
Not an April Fools' gag.
Uber Faces Backlash From the New Luddites
Americans have become so accustomed to regulations, we've ceased to see how freedom might operate.
The Missing Airplane: 35% of Americans Blame Mechanical Problems; 22% Say Suicide; 12% Think It's Terrorism; 9% Believe Flight 370 Is Hiding
Polling Americans about the fate of Flight 370.