Top Progressive Super PAC Throws Support Behind Hillary Clinton
Priorities USA will back her if she runs in 2016
Priorities USA will back her if she runs in 2016
The Supreme Court should abandon the dubious distinction between campaign spending and campaign contributions.
First Amendment experts happy
Maybe the money can be used to fix the health exchanges
Request by the Conservative Action Fund whether they could accept them
30 visits to wealthy donors since April
Raised more than $500,000 for the president
Disappointing for campaign finance reform advocates
"Third party advertisements" subject to disclosure forms that haven't been published yet
Two thirds of 42 House Republicans elected since 2010 who signed a letter calling for government funding to be tied to Obamacare
The Supreme Court should ditch the dubious distinction between campaign spending and campaign contributions.
Raising money on the prospects of a government shutdown
They want to control the terms of the debate.
Investigating alleged illegal coordination between Bachmann's presidential campaign and her husband's PAC
They don't want their supporters targeted for retaliation
It's against the law to tell donors about certain perfectly legal donations to super PACs
The donation is legal, but it's against the law for a candidate to suggest it
More than $500,000 from 32 deceased donors' estates
Twice as much campaign financing donations as the opposition
Political speech is a right, not a privilege
It's about time they realized
Subsidies for media outlets, political consultants
Some agencies show no donations to Romney
Reimbursed colleagues for donations to Clinton's '06 and '08 campaigns
Lawyer says they are cooperating with the Office of Congressional Ethics and that Bachmann is not the target
Allows bigger donations directly to candidates, but also orders more rapid disclosures
Won't take case on century-old ban
Free speech victory possible
Discouraged donations of equipment to Dominican Republic so private contractor could get the work
But denies trying to intervene on behalf of a donor
Nothing is beyond the reach of regulators
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