Don't Draft Anybody, But if You Do, Draft Women Too!: Instapundit
A rare moment of agreement for Glenn Reynolds and Barack Obama.
A rare moment of agreement for Glenn Reynolds and Barack Obama. that the NSA whistleblower could have gone through proper channels, says Snowden's lawyer.
"ISIS: Inside the Army of Terror" co-author Michael Weiss on how Obama allowed a bad situation to get worse in Syria.
Will now leave almost 6,000 troops in Afghanistan in 2017.
Is there hope for liberty lovers among the Democrats?
Clinton, Sanders, Webb, O'Malley, and Chaffee are nobody's idea of small-government crusaders, but they got some things right.
"Intercourse with robots-don't try to be ridiculous," say Malaysian police.
Will you drink "The Hillary," "The Bernie Sanders," or "The Biden"?
Libertarian magician praises the socialist and disses Rand Paul
Venerable skin mag drops nudity in favor of "expanded coverage of liquor," PG-13 thrills.
Why did the U.N. feel justified in recommending such illiberal censorship policies while providing such shoddy evidence to back their claims?
The Vermont socialist advanced some libertarian ideas way back in the day.
What Martin O'Malley, Jim Webb, and Lincoln Chafee have to say about the issues
Mark Zuckerberg can atone for embracing Narendra Modi by sponsoring for asylum the family of the man lynched for eating beef.
"Look, there's no doubt that it did not work," says president.
How creeping market forces are improving life in the Hermit Kingdom.
The director of 'Winter on Fire: Ukraine's Fight for Freedom' talks with Reason TV.
Despite continuing declines in gun violence, Fred Hiatt says enough is enough.
Silicon Valley's shameless courting of Indian PM Modi has fed the flames of Hindu zealotry in India
Good news on tariffs, bad news on copyrights
Q&A with documentary director Evgeny Afineevsky
Guns - and the Second Amendment - won't just disappear.
FFS, don't authors want to be quoted? Isn't that the whole goddamned point?
ACLU alarmed at idea that every bit of public info might feed into these high-tech "credit scores" that will define Chinese citizens' lives.
"...regardless of Rand Paul's campaign." You got that right, brother.
National Review writer blames U.S. bombing of hospital in Kunduz on...Taliban
They are as safe or safer than other places and help make local law enforcement more effective.
Oregon shooting, Planned Parenthood, Iran nukes, plus Richard Dawkins and Neil deGrasse Tyson!
Anti-trafficking efforts includes everything from offering or soliciting paid sex, to living with a sex worker, to running a classified advertising website.
The ruling elite's machinations bear no relationship to the general interest of Americans. Think what the American empire would be if we refused to cooperate.
The Secretary of State's office says it sought to "balance" a CBS segment on WikiLeaks' Julian Assange.
It's stupid season for American political commentary about the refugee crisis
The world's most famous whistleblowing fugitive makes his social networking debut.
An exclusive Q&A with the Girls auteur subtly reveals why Clinton is dazzling fewer and fewer voters.
Dick and Liz Cheney's unpersuasive new book says exactly what you'd expect it to say.
Arizona senator says a Balanced Budget Amendment is the single-best thing to get done before 2016 election.
Will the speaker's resignation lead to a better, more effective House of Representatives?
100 years ago, "rich as an Argentine" was a catchphrase. That hasn't been true for a long time.
The U.S. isn't the only country to have seen a recent prison boom.
The baseball great was a businessman who busted his ass and embodied his immigrant parents' American Dream.
Religion in a free society will always cause controversy. Got a problem with that? Religious minority Ben Carson seems to.
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