Energy & Environment
China's Bitcoin Crackdown Is Good for America
The U.S. dominated the mining marketplace in 2021.
Genetically Modified Pig Heart Successfully Transplanted Into a Patient
One step closer to solving the organ shortage crisis?
Will Bitcoin Be Done In By Terrible Zoning Laws?
Local ordinances threaten upstart crypto-mining operations.
Weather and Climate Disasters Are Declining Globally
Increasing weather damage costs are not reliable evidence for climate change.
Germany Shuts Down Three Perfectly Good Nuclear Power Plants
Teutonic carbon dioxide emissions and electricity prices are projected to increase as a result.
Food Costs Likely To Rise as Farmers' Expenses Shoot Up
Bad policy and unpredictable nature are sending food prices through the roof.
Animal-Rights Laws Are Coming Back To Bite California and Massachusetts Voters
State food laws shouldn't apply to producers and consumers across state lines.
Crashing Through the Snow: The Grim Sarcasm Behind 'Jingle Bells'
Thanks to technological progress, cars are much safer than one-horse open sleighs.
Biden To Spend $7.5 Billion on Chargers That Electric Car Owners Likely Won't Use
It's unwise to try to force consumer spending habits in defiance of the market.
The 'Build Back Better' Bill Will Spend a Lot of Money To Make Our Problems Worse
You can support pre-K education and affordable child care and worry about climate change while understanding that policymakers need to get out of the way.
Jen Psaki's Snarky Comments Can't Cover for the FDA's Rapid Testing Approval Failures
Plus: RIP to sex entrepreneur Phil Harvey, Elon Musk says Congress should can Biden's spending plan, and more....
Facebook Fact-Checkers Are Stifling Open Debate
It's true that some users spread lies on social media. But this can’t be solved by partisan “fact-checking."
The Build Back Better Bill Will Give You $12,000 for Buying an Electric Car. Unless It's a Tesla.
Only vehicles made in unionized U.S. factories qualify for the full amount.
Elizabeth Warren Is Trying To Blame Inflation on 'Price Gouging.' Don't Buy It.
Warren's claim that oil companies are jacking up prices to turn a bigger profit doesn't stand up to even the slightest scrutiny.
Supreme Court's First Opinion in an Argued Case Resolves Water Dispute Between Mississippi and Tennessee
The Chief Justice has assumed the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's role as the fastest opinion writer.
Prisoners Sue Virginia Department of Corrections Over Canine Attacks
If police dogs assault innocent people at their handlers’ direction, it’s usually treated as the victim’s fault.
Lost in Transition
30 years after the Soviet collapse, what happened to the Russian dream of a free economy?
House-Passed 'Build Back Better' Plan Aims To Curb Methane Emissions by Hiking Heating Prices
The Congressional Budget Office projects that the tax will raise nearly $8 billion over the next 10 years. That money will come out of consumers' wallets.
Democrats' 'Build Back Better' Bill Is a Federal Power Grab. Americans Will Pay the Price.
The legislation will have a negative impact on the labor supply and send high prices soaring even higher.
Will Glasgow Climate Promises Be Kept?
Accelerating market and technological trends will fortuitously keep many COP26 promises.
New York Times Writer Sarah Jeong Says Inflation in the News Is Just 'Rich People Flipping Their Shit'
Are normal Americans worried about inflation? Jeong says nope, it's a ginned-up outrage because rich people's "parasitic assets aren’t doing as well as they’d like."
To Fight Climate Change, Los Angeles Bans Restaurants From Giving Out Unsolicited Ketchup Packets
Businesses that give customers condiments without them first asking for them could receive fines totaling $300.
The Fake Environmentalist Attack on Bitcoin
The cryptocurrency is spurring use of renewable energy even as it undermines existing economic, political, and cultural elites.
Neal Stephenson's Termination Shock Is a Glorious Sci-Fi Vision of How To Respond to Global Warming, One Geoengineering Problem at a Time
In Stephenson's near-future novel, innovation, not legislation, is the best response to a changing climate.
Furious Activists Walk Out of U.N. Climate Change Conference in Glasgow
The policies and technologies they reject as "false solutions" would actually work to mitigate climate change.
A Simple Step To Reduce Climate Change: More Trees
Planting trees as a partial solution to climate change has broad bipartisan appeal.
The White House Says More Government Spending Will Fix Inflation
Plus: Administrative bloat conquers Yale, the U.N. Climate Change Conference in Glasgow wraps up, and more...
China, India, and Russia Aren't Interested in Updating Their Emissions Targets Before 2025
Meanwhile, the U.S.-China Joint Glasgow Declaration is "a stage-managed nothingburger."
Free Markets Are the Best and Fastest Way to Cut Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Top-down mandates will only slow down the energy transition.
Lukewarm Promises at the U.N. Climate Change Conference
China and Russia aren’t interested in bigger emissions cuts.
Congress Spends More on Defense Than the Next 10 Countries Combined
We can't afford to keep funding defense contractors' cost overruns.
The Spending Bill Got Smaller, but It's Still Full of Bad Ideas
Plus, speculation around Virginia's heated gubernatorial race
Joe Biden Will Let World Leaders Know He Wants To Spend a Lot of Money on Climate Change
Plus: New York City's vaccine mandate is accidentally shrinking the city's workforce, a windowless dorm in California stokes controversy, and more...
Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Case Challenging EPA Authority to Regulate Greenhouse Gases (Updated)
A surprising grant of certiorari places a high-stakes regulatory case on the Court's docket, with profound implications for EPA authority to regulate greenhouse gases.
Why State Common Law Nuisance Claims Against Fossil Fuel Companies Are Not Preempted
Nuisance claims may not be a particularly effective way to address the problem of climate change, but federal law does not preempt state common law nuisance claims seeking compensatory damages.
Dune Is an Epic Love Letter to Classic Science Fiction
This is Denis Villeneuve's movie, but it's fully Frank Herbert's Dune.
Gas-Powered Lawnmower Ban, Mandatory Gender-Neutral Toy Aisles Among California's Weirdest New Laws
But at least state lawmakers also passed some useful criminal justice bills and policing reforms.
Biden's 'Climate-Resilient Economy' Roadmap Is Largely Superfluous
Businesses, investors, and markets are already adapting to climate change without federal help.
Biden Reverses Trump's Showerhead Deregulation
"You have showers where I can't wash my hair properly. It's a disaster!" said Trump in 2015.
Joe Biden's Proposed Ban on Fast, Effective Dishwashers Is a Gift to Big Business
Donald Trump legalized energy-hungry short-cycle dishwashers. The current administration is undoing that progress.
Are Biden Administration's Offshore Wind Plans Just a Fantasy?
Without attention to the onerous permitting process for offshore wind and other energy projects, efforts will be plagued by costly delays.