The Case of the Catfish Cartel
Why Mississippi's catfish industry asked the government to regulate it more tightly
Why Mississippi's catfish industry asked the government to regulate it more tightly
The bad news is taxpayers funded the study.
Hunting can do more good than the Endangered Species Act.
Closing the state's last nuclear power plant is anti-environmental and just plain stupid.
Cultural appropriation: a crime against nature.
A debate over biotechnology previews the regulatory innovation that could stop innovation
A failure of local government, brought on by public employee pensions.
Dancing on the grave of "peak oil" - will it stay buried?
A scitech research and policy roundup for January 6, 2016
The anti-doomsaying book for this decade*
A model for how to voluntarily rewild North America.
Spiked's Brendan O'Neill on free expression, environmentalism as "an apology for poverty" and why he is "a Marxist libertarian."
California's politicians and regulators are making the drought worse.
Forget Right and Left: Are You an Upwinger or a Downwinger?
Paris Climate Change Conference
Fifth Dispatch: Here's betting that activists decry it as a "weak" accord.
The Global Warming Policy Foundation interviews me about the book too.
Richer is more climate-friendly, especially for developing countries.
Allowing parents to stay in cities can help families and alleviate traffic congestion.
Requiring chefs to wear gloves doesn't make food safer and generates mountains of waste.
The president is now in a big hurry after 7 years of delay
Nongovernmental conservation is saving the planet
Bringing extinct animals back to life is now within our grasp, says Long Now Foundation researcher Ben Novak.
The pontiff stopped far short of laying out a concrete environmental policy agenda.
Several states side with environmentalists in banning a longtime ingredient in popular products.
Good news! Dire predictions about cancer epidemics, mass extinction, overpopulation, and more turned out to be a bust.
Brilliant op-ed on the dangers of secret science
And there are far more trees than researchers previously thought - more than 3 trillion
What prohibitionists get wrong about one of modernity's greatest inventions
Remember the great penis scare of the 1990s?
A majority believes civilization could collapse and humans go extinct in the next 100 years.
Bailey responds to the criticism below
Modest self-promotion of my new book
Environmental Protection Agency
Creating environmental rules that defeat even environmentalists
Why privilege solar over all the other technologies, including some that may not even be invented yet?
The fight to save a California oyster farm from the National Park Service
John Stossel asks: Is the left's scientific ignorance more damaging than the right's?
Library Journal reviews my new book, published today.
Ronald Bailey Talks The End of Doom at Cato July 23, 2015
Could drive up costs of driving, manufacturing
You'll never guess how long it'll take to get a ride if the mayor gets his way.
Reason warned back in 2011 that environmentalists would oppose cheap natural gas
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