House Committee Cancels Testimony of Gay Economist Who Once Joked About Taxing Gay Sex
His 16-year-old blog posts are completely irrelevant to his testimony on the minimum wage.
A Ford Mustang Costs About the Same as in 1968, but College Costs a Helluva Lot More
A brief look at 50-year cost and quality trends in cars, houses, college and health care.
Your Child Is More Resilient Than You Think
How "safetyism" on campus makes students less safe.
Michelle Obama Felt 'the Shadow of Affirmative Action' as Princeton Undergrad
Her experience is a good example of why affirmative action policies are a bad idea.
Students for a Freer Future
As U.S. campus politics deteriorate, a global movement of young libertarians finds its footing.
Let Competition, Not Law, Determine Who Gets Into Harvard
The most sensible and effective way to police private college admissions practices isn't litigation or regulation, but competition.
Police Send Helicopter to Disperse Drunk College Students
When the ground strategy failed, police turned to the air.
Why Would Frat Boys Follow a New Ban on Hard Liquor?
Frats already break the law by serving alcohol to underage students. Why would a ban on hard liquor be any different?
Georgia Tech Rejects a Qualified Job Applicant Over His Teenage Criminal Record
Benjamin Paul is a single father, a college graduate, an ordained minister, and a career adviser. And he's an ex-con.
Some Single-Sex Organizations at Harvard Go Quietly While Others Vow to Fight
Harvard's Delta Gamma sorority announced that that they are disbanding due to university rules banning single-sex student organizations.
Maybe Snatching Toddlers From Their Asylum-Seeking Parents Is Who We Are: Podcast
Reason editors discuss what anti-immigration fantasy looks like when translated into policy, and how education diversity goals lead to discrimination.
New Study Suggests College Rape Prevention Programs Don't Work
Good intentions may backfire on campus.
The Case Against Higher Education
Economist Bryan Caplan tells John Stossel that most people shouldn't go to college.
At University of Virginia the White Supremacists Have Already Won
College limits protest, suppressing everybody's free expression.
Resolved: The Government Should Cut Off All Funding to Colleges and Universities.
Economists Bryan Caplan and Edward Glaeser debate at the Soho Forum.
2 in 5 Top-Ranking Liberal Arts Schools Have No Full-Time Republican Professors
New study explores liberal bias of university faculty-it's worse than we thought
More Yale Students Demand Emotional Support Animals, Which Are Just Pets
Federal law says universities have to make "reasonable accommodations" for students who claim emotional trauma.
Fuddy-Duddy Functionaries Are Determined to Make Graduation As Joyless As Possible
School officials drag dancing graduates off stage and threaten cheering relatives with fines.
A Male Professor Told a Female Professor a Stupid Joke. Now He Faces Disciplinary Charges.
"A horrifying and chilling example of political correctness."
CUNY Students Tried to Shout Down Josh Blackman. Here's Why They Failed.
"We're not children! You can't talk to us like that!"
23 Cornell Professors Say Their School Violated Due Process
Faculty take a stand against an unfair investigation.
Is There a 'Rape Culture' on College Campuses? Watch the Debate.
Journalist Cathy Young faces off against sociologist Michael Kimmel-with opening standup from comedian Dave Smith.
Trump's Anti-Speech Agenda Gets a Boost From Lefty Lawyers and Academics
Declining support for unfettered debate among politicians, academics, and the public doesn't bode well for the future of free speech.
Live Debate 3/19 in NYC: Is There a Rape Culture on College Campuses?
On Monday, March 19 in New York, Cathy Young and Michael Kimmel will debate whether campuses are unsafe for women. Buy tickets today or watch live!
Dave Rubin on Political Correctness, the Need for Civil Discourse, and Why He Became a Libertarian
The YouTube sensation headlined Students for Liberty's LibertyCon and embodied the tolerance and good humor he espouses as an interviewer.
Is There a 'Rape Culture' on College Campuses?: Soho Forum/Reason Debate
On Monday, March 19 in New York, Cathy Young and Michael Kimmel will debate whether campuses are unsafe for women.
Justice Ginsburg Criticizes Lack of Due Process on Campus
In a wide-ranging interview, the "Notorious RBG" suggests colleges campuses are not providing adequate process to the accused.
Forget Speech Codes, Trigger Warnings: These Students Protest FOR "Peace, Love, Liberty" (Podcast)
Students for Liberty's LibertyCon is bringing 1,500 students from all over the world to D.C. on March 2-4. Wolf von Laer explains the group's message and strategy.
New Mexico Considers Forcing High-School Students into State-Approved Post-Graduation Plans
Want to go straight into the job market? No diploma for you.
Michigan State President Resigning in Wake of Larry Nassar Scandal Could Still Get Millions of Dollars in Perks
Lou Ann Simon will get $750,000 for her first year on research leave and 75 percent of her salary in subsequent years.
Exchanging Dirty Jokes Is Now a 'Sexual Relationship' at George Washington University
Fired chemistry professor is suing the school.
Steady Rise in Student Perfectionism Since 1990s
College students have become more likely to have unrealistic demands for themselves and others, according to a new study.