Children's Rights
Don't Call Child Services on Families Who Take Their Kids to Drag Shows
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis thinks drag shows represent "child endangerment."
Today Marks 80 Years Since Congress Last Bothered To Declare a War
Presidents once treated congressional authorization as a requirement for the U.S. to enter conflicts. What went wrong?
She Let the Kids, Ages 3 and 5, Wait Briefly in the Car. Now She Can't Be a Teacher.
Many parents are on the child abuse and neglect registry, and they don't even know it.
I Stopped To Watch Kids Playing at Recess. Security Was Called.
"I really think I'm allowed to stay here," I explained, in vain.
Woman Calls Security on Dad Taking Pictures of His Own Kids, Then Pepper Sprays Him
"The suspect then intervened, deployed pepper spray and sprayed the victim, before fleeing the scene on foot," according to the police.
All Americans Should Watch Old Enough!, a Netflix Show About Free-Range Japanese 3-Year-Olds
In Japan, even very young children are seen as capable.
Alabama Passes Bill Making It a Felony To Offer Transition-Related Care for Trans Kids
Plus: Ketanji Brown Jackson confirmed, judge gives gun rights back to January 6 defendant, and more...
Colorado Approves Law That Gives Kids 'Reasonable Independence'
"We certainly don't want parents getting in trouble because their kids were playing on the playground," says Gov. Jared Polis
Police Repeatedly Question Mom of 6 Who Let Kids Pick Up Litter Outside
"There are no known stories of any abductions here," says Anna Hershberger.
How the Government Keeps 'Indian' Children From Loving Homes
The broken foster system for Native American kids is finally up for Supreme Court scrutiny.
Texas Sued As State Starts Investigating Parents of Trans Children for 'Child Abuse'
ACLU: “The agency’s new rule substitutes parents’ judgment as to what medical care is in the best interests of their children for the judgment of the government.”
Colorado Legislators Advance Bill To Ban Police from Lying to Minors During Interrogations
Reason reported last year on how minors are particularly susceptible to being coerced into false confessions.
Texas Classifies Medical Treatment of Trans Minors as Abuse, Threatens Parents, Orders Caregivers To Snitch
These orders aren’t about safety. They’re a complete rejection of the legitimacy of these procedures, and a denial of individual liberty.
Free, State-Run Preschool Worse for Poor Kids Than No Preschool, Study Finds
"If this study doesn't put the nail in the coffin of academic training to little children, it's hard to imagine what will," says psychologist Peter Gray.
CDC: 61% of Teenagers Hospitalized for COVID-19 Had Obesity
A new study of 915 childhood COVID-19 hospitalizations found that most involved underlying conditions.
No "Social Worker Exception" from the Fourth Amendment for Home Searches by Child Protection Officials
"[T]he Fourth Amendment applies equally whether the government official is a police officer conducting a criminal investigation or a caseworker conducting a civil child welfare investigation."
Arizona Mom Threatened With Prison, Placed on Secret Blacklist For Letting Kids Play At the Park
"The market was asking that anyone who didn't need to go into the store to please stay outside," she says.
Should We Lower the Voting Age to Six?
British political scientist David Runciman says the answer is "yes." And he makes a stronger case than you might think.
German Insurance Companies Demand Perilous Playgrounds So That Kids Can Learn About Risk
"This is fantastic progress in understanding childhood as the right time for children to learn to recognize and mitigate risk."
Mom Sues Cops Who Arrested Her for Leaving 14-Year-Old Daughter Home Alone
"When my daughter was 12 she'd walk down the streets of Shanghai to get donuts," says the mom, Megan McMurry.
Anthony Fauci Is Wrong About the Need for 3-Year-Olds To Wear Masks
Unvaccinated children have as much protection as vaccinated adults.
Abigail Shrier Worries Teenage Gender Transitions Lead to 'Irreversible Damage'
The controversial author on her acclaimed and condemned book, being deplatformed, and the future of free expression in an increasingly polarized marketplace of ideas
After a False Abuse Allegation, Child Services Took This Mom's 3 Children Away
"We thought they helped people."
Amicus Brief in the Student Speech Case
"In Tinker, this Court held that "[i]t can hardly be argued that … students … shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate." Yet [the school district] argues that students shed much of their freedom of speech even outside the schoolhouse gate, so long as their off-campus speech is reasonably expected to reach campus."
Arkansas Lawmakers Interfere in Trans Teens' Medical Choices
A blanket ban on medical procedures for minors is not a prescription for human liberty.
Outrage Over Handcuffed Children Leads States To Consider Raising Minimum Age of Arrest
In 28 states, there's no minimum age for arresting kids.
Court Can Let Pro-Vaccination Divorced Parent Vaccinate Child,
even when the parents had originally agreed not to vaccinate, and one parent later changed his mind.
Colorado Couple's Adoption Plans Wrecked by Child Neglect Charges for Briefly Letting a Kid Nap in the Car
"If you're on that registry, you're bad."
Interesting Custody Case Involving a Child and His Grandparents vs. the Father
As usual, at this point in the litigation the key questions focus on procedure.