Shrinkflation Is Real—and It's Largely Biden's Fault
The president criticized companies for selling "smaller-than-usual products" whose "price stays the same." But it was his and his predecessor's spending policies that caused the underlying issue.
The president criticized companies for selling "smaller-than-usual products" whose "price stays the same." But it was his and his predecessor's spending policies that caused the underlying issue.
A new documentary film argues that the second-largest website on the planet is flooded with misinformation. Is that right?
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The platform punished The Hill's morning show, Rising, for showing a clip of Trump speaking.
Our videos make the case for "Free Minds and Free Markets" to millions of people a year.
St. James fought for sex workers at a time when the mainstream U.S. feminist movement was hostile to them and leftist organizers portrayed them as victims.
"I know what moral panics look like; they look kind of like this."
Plus: The U.S. Supreme Court stops an execution at the last minute, a senator argues that you shouldn't get HBO GO for free, and more...
Amazon Prime Video's latest feature is a smartly made indie sci-fi film from an incredibly promising first-time director.
Starring Tom Hardy as the aging crime kingpin, the movie is an intriguing failure.
It’s the Zoom happy hour of blockbusters.
The new service was built for a world that no longer exists. Yet it may still end up being relevant to the one we now inhabit.
This occasionally competent sci-fi action film is best enjoyed from the comfort of a couch.
"I have no faith left in call-out vigilante justice."
In Borderlands 3, you take on a murderous cult worshiping a cruel, vain deity who demands that her minions attack others, sacrifice themselves, and constantly sing her praises.
From personalized magazine covers to 3D videos to cutting-edge podcasts, we've always been ahead of the curve, thanks to your help.
Last year, Reason videos about everything from Theranos to insane zoning laws to China's "one-child policy" racked up 29.5 million views at YouTube. Your support made that possible.
Cops can now request access to videos recorded by Ring, bypassing that pesky step of obtaining a search warrant first.
The now-fired Daryl Jones: "I got my rights to do anything I want to do. I'm a police officer."
Martin Scorsese says superhero movies are crowding out cinema. But plenty of great non-comic-book films still exist.
TV's cultural dominance is unchecked by anything except your own time, and increasingly tailored to your unique interests and obsessions.
Deepfakes don't pose a novel threat, and they have many exciting applications that would be stymied by legal restrictions.
The video platform temporarily demonetized a conservative comedian's channel, satisfying no one.
The Netflix series is an evolution in TV horror.
The officer is now under internal investigation. Some want a citizen review panel, but the chief thinks that would be "problematic."
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