Venezuelan Miss Universe Tries To Distance Herself From Old Anti-Chavez Tweet
Says she has a "very balanced posture" about politics since being named Miss Venezeula
Says she has a "very balanced posture" about politics since being named Miss Venezeula
So that's what the game is
Nicolás Maduro says the powers are necessary for an "economic offensive"
Nicolas Maduro says he will use the power to stamp out corruption
Was detained Thursday while reporting on economic crisis in the country
Hugo Chavez previously brought the concept to the South American country
Inflation, for example, is at more than 45 percent
Almost every other world leader showed up
Rather than the inflation-prone local currency
Incompetence is kind of hard to disguise
What the legacy of a socialist dictator looks like
Arrested two hitmen from Colombia
Says Venezuela could be banned from NATO airspace and have gas sales halted if the NSA whistleblower finds refuge there
Ahmedinejad brought members of the revolutionary guard to Caracas last year
Says it is the country most likely to offer him safety of the three Latin American countries that have offered the NSA whistleblower asylum
Despite what a Russian official said yesterday
Earlier reports premature
NSA whistleblower still thought to be in transit area in Moscow airport
Including Venezuela, France, and China
Those caught illegally carrying or selling a firearm face 20 years in prison
Nine arrested allegedly right-wing paramilitaries
Hugo Chavez's successor beat Capriles, barely, in a questionable election earlier this year
Diplomacy good work if you can get it
Truly, they have mastered economic policy
Unsurprisingly, currency and price controls are being blamed for the shortage
Projecting his own totalitarian desires
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