What the World Can Learn From Colorado's Marijuana Experience
A new report suggests some tentative observations about the consequences of legalization.
A new report suggests some tentative observations about the consequences of legalization.
As the U.N. prepares for a special session on "the world drug problem," 22 experts catalog the costs of prohibition.
Paris Climate Change Conference
Second Dispatch: Also they believe that global warming a is huge business opportunity.
So says the new U.N. analysis of national climate plans from 146 countries
The rough road to adopting a universal climate treaty at Paris in December
Virgin CEO Richard Branson leaks document to Drug Policy Alliance.
Why did the U.N. feel justified in recommending such illiberal censorship policies while providing such shoddy evidence to back their claims?
And there are far more trees than researchers previously thought - more than 3 trillion
Deal impossible without Security Council approval
Rich countries commit to total decarbonization of the global economy.
Warbots might actually behave more morally than soldiers.
UN Women partnered with Uber to create 1 million jobs just two weeks ago.
Why not instead an interplanetary Homestead Act and Mining Law?
Why there will not be a global climate change treaty in 2015
If renewable, new nuclear, or even fusion energy is actually becoming cheaper than conventional fossil fuels, why would the world need an international treaty at all?
Foreign negotiators, activists, and journalists are very worried about Senate Republicans
Plus $810 billion in climate debt payments annually to poor countries?
Ready for some cause marketing gone very, very wrong?
Discord on who's responsible for fixing the weather at U.N. climate confab.
That was your takeaway from Ferguson?
Imposing equality is the goal; climate change is the excuse
No Nukes, No Fracking, No GMOs, and Certainly No Capitalism
UN also worried about civilians buying guns
The International Narcotics Control Board stands athwart reform, yelling, "Stop!" Is anyone listening?
U.N. drug warriors falsely claim that treaties compel U.S. states to ban pot.
Presumably panel also determined that water is wet
Both rebel and government forces blames for abuse
Demands priests known or suspected to have abused children be handed over to authorities
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