Review: Tripping on Utopia Complicates the History of Psychedelics
Mind-altering drugs have long been seen as tools for both liberation and control.
Mind-altering drugs have long been seen as tools for both liberation and control.
The founder of MAPS talks about FDA approval for MDMA-assisted therapy and the "psychedelic renaissance" he has helped create.
Friday A/V Club: A former Black Panther's winding path
Friday A/V Club: How a Watergate burglar spent the '80s
A documentary describes a drug-fueled countercultural romance.
New documentary features Sting, Sarah Silverman, Anthony Bourdain, Carrie Fisher, and others discussing the good, bad, and ugly of LSD.
The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) is making MDMA and other drugs medically legitimate and socially acceptable.
The pioneering psychedelic researcher, Timothy Leary collaborator, and New Age seeker exemplified America's postwar turn to individualism.
Friday A/V Club: When Timothy Leary, Ayn Rand, and Big Mama Thornton shared a microphone
LSD, psilocybin, and other hallucinogenics are gaining new acceptance as serious medicine. But what if you want to do them just for fun, asks Jacob Sullum.
Michael Pollan's new book portrays Timothy Leary as a reckless self-promoter, but Leary asked the right questions about psychedelics.
Richard Nixon's battle with Timothy Leary puts today's culture wars to shame.
A posthumous memoir from a mutant genius
Is this the only policy proposal Tom Paine, Huey Long, Milton Friedman, Timothy Leary, and Sam Altman can agree on?
There was a time when psychedelics could get friendly coverage on a commercial TV news show.
...but were afraid to ask. Q&A with R.U. Sirius & Jay Cornell, authors of Transcendence: The Disinformation Encyclopedia of Transhumanism & the Singularity.
The power and peril of religious exemptions from drug prohibition
A flawed biography paints a bleary picture of Timothy Leary.