Even Donald Trump Wants Gary Johnson in the Debates
Sixteen years ago, Trump advocated opening up the presidential debates to third parties. His arguments hold true today.
Sixteen years ago, Trump advocated opening up the presidential debates to third parties. His arguments hold true today.
Clinton has been going full-force Millennial Whisperer recently, after learning that she's losing young voters to Gary Johnson and Jill Stein. Why it won't help.
Refuse to actually engage with the reasons the electorate dislikes Clinton and she might lose.
North Carolina newspaper the second to go libertarian.
Which states are the most fertile territories for alternative candidates?
Even in a solidly blue state, many self-describe as independents and want more choices.
Few states are as open to alternative candidates as Alaska.
Did you know that libertarians are racists who hide behind criminal-justice reform, ending the drug war, lobbying for open borders, & non-interventionism?
More than 12 times as many Florida Democrats rejected Al Gore in favor of Bush than they did for Nader.
And just 3% say they'll vote for Trump.
Libertarian candidate now getting more Google searches than in 2012.
And 13 percent name Libertarian Gary Johnson.
Court dismissed a challenge from a former Libertarian gubernatorial nominee
While there are big differences between Johnson's and Sanders' economic platforms, their views have more overlap when it comes to social and foreign policy.
Why a leftist sitcom star prefers Donald Trump to Hillary Clinton
More are searching for information compared to this same time in previous election years.
What can America's largest third party expect from this election?
Think third-party candidates help throw the election to Clinton? Think again.
Politico's founder wants a president who builds apps while raining death from the skies.
Almost one in five say they're thinking about alternatives to the big two.
History shows the flaws in temporary 'fixes' against populist takeovers.
As disgruntled Republicans ponder the possibility of bolting from the GOP, here's a guide to the world beyond the two big parties.
How bad can major party candidates get? We're finding out now, but we can do better.
Breaking and remaking the party system
But those into small government and the Constitution who can't abide Trump, never fear: The Libertarian Party already exists with ballot access in a majority of states.
Ben Sasse from Nebraska will NOT vote Clinton either - looks for third party candidate
The obstacles seem quite surmountable given his cash and the relevant deadlines.
In which we relate the strange saga of Jasper McLevy, because he probably won't turn up in Sanders' speech
Positing a "market" in elections and campaigns, the Debate Commission and major parties are alleged to be illegally colluding and creating barriers to entry.
Talking "Top Two" primaries with IndependentVoice.org's Jason Olson
What Sanders' third-party home had to say about guns in 1972
Dissenting justices understood the possible consequences, even back in the 1970s.
Ruling sidesteps First and Fourth Amendment concerns.
'Third Party Doctrine' wins again.
An unexpectedly strong showing for the GOP shows pollsters still have work to do.
Liberty-minded small government views may be the missing ingredient.
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