6 Marijuana Legalization Lessons
Three recently approved plans show what politicians have learned (or failed to learn) since Colorado became the first state to allow recreational use.
Three recently approved plans show what politicians have learned (or failed to learn) since Colorado became the first state to allow recreational use.
Corporations get attacked for not paying taxes in a certain year, but they’re just spreading out their losses.
The president's proposed tax hike would fall on workers. This isn't a controversial point.
Workers will suffer.
The law is surprisingly permissive in some ways, but it includes high taxes and other provisions that hurt consumers.
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It seems some are just waking up to the size and scope of the president's federal tax plan.
She said the quiet part out loud.
And it has failed in almost every country where it's been tried.
This time with tax increases too!
In both situations, the grant conditions in question were not clearly and unambiguously authorized by Congress.
The White House is reportedly considering hiking the corporate income tax to 28 percent and raising individual income taxes on high earners to pay for more federal spending.
The jury is still out about whether broad parental subsidies improve outcomes for children
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What does this have to do with the pandemic? Nothing.
The measure could also make it illegal for states to create new tax credit programs, such as those used for expanding school choice.
The Massachusetts senator is the latest Democrat to use the pandemic to justify a policy she already wanted.
The ruling is an unsigned, one-sentence order.
A proposed wealth tax would collect 97 percent of its revenue from famous billionaires.
Most states managed to avoid much-predicted fiscal crises during the pandemic. Congress wants to shower them with more federal aid anyway.
The first-in-the-nation tax is an expensive and regressive policy that's also possibly unconstitutional.
I was interviewed by Joe Salvetta of the Pioneer Institute, a leading Massachusetts public policy think tank.
Good intentions, bad results.
The Supreme Court did not resolve the case today, but did take the noteworthy step of asking for the views of the federal government.
The case was filed directly in the Supreme Court under its "original jurisdiction" over cases filed by one state against another. It could have important implications for the future of federalism.
Entrepreneurs discouraged by red tape even before COVID-19 need officials to leave them alone.
The tax- and corruption-heavy state has lost a quarter-million people in the past decade.
The law bans mail delivery of vaping products and requires all vendors to comply with burdensome tax reporting rules.
Despite Elizabeth Warren's contention that it is the "single most effective economic stimulus that is available through executive action," forgiving student debt is a bad idea.
The national soda tax may be a small but telling example of how Tanden views policy making.
Deutsche Bank has proposed a 5 percent income tax on people working from home, the revenue from which could be spent supplementing the lost wages of service workers.
Yale University gets government handouts while paying little in property taxes.
Tax hikes? Drug wars? Racial Preferences? Not today.
How to slow massive and unchecked national deficits in an age of runaway spending and divided government.
American voters have the chance to usher in a few libertarian policies this election, courtesy of these state ballot measures.
Lawmakers are bribing citizens with a tiny tax break in exchange for the power to jack up income tax rates down the line.
Trump plans to steal less of other people’s cash then Biden does, though neither has any serious suggestions for paying for their spending schemes.
The Democratic presidential candidate has promised not to raise taxes on middle-income earners. That's not the full story.
There is little reason to think Barrett would vote to overturn the Affordable Care Act, which in any case seems legally secure.
After years of federal fiscal recklessness, is Washington's bill finally coming due?
The U.S. tax code should be front and center.
Major-party politicians avoid tax simplification almost as aggressively as the rich avoid taxation, argue the Reason Roundtable panelists.
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Walter Barnette didn't know that his own land had been sold out from under him until it had already happened.
Forgiving payroll taxes is a bad way of stimulating the economy and would leave Social Security benefits underfunded.
Whether Biden or Trump wins this November, we're in for big, unaffordable government. How much bigger and how unaffordable are the only real questions.
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