Rand Paul
Rand Paul Says Biden Agrees With Him on Social Security
But says the vice president won't admit it
Recent Paul/Christie Spat Could Be a 2016 Preview
Hawks not happy with Paul's position on government surveillance
Rand Paul Offers Chris Christie a Truce
New Jersey governor not a fan of what he sees as the strain of libertarianism being seen in both parties
Chris Christie's Bogus Attack on Rand Paul
Christie gets in touch with his inner Maureen Dowd.
Rand Paul Responds to Chris Christie
New Jersey governor not happy about the "strain of libertarianism" being seen in both parties
GOP Hawks Reaching Breaking Point With Rand Paul
Non-interventionism and criticism of government surveillance still not in vogue
Rand Paul to Chris Christie: Talk to More Americans
Thinks N.J. governor is out of touch about how public views surveillance
Chris Christie Says Rand Paul is 'Dangerous'
Not a fan of the 'libertarian' strain in both parties
The FBI Has Flown Drones 10 Times in the US Since 2006
Made revelation to Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.)
GOP Legislators Split on Obamacare Tactics
Some don't want to risk a government shutdown over the issue of funding
Rand Paul Asks FBI For More Information On Domestic Drone Surveillance, Internal Approval Process
FBI acknowledged using drones in eight cases since 2006, six criminal and two national security
Rand Paul Says No One in Congress Has Stronger Belief in Minority Rights Than He Does
Made the comment in Iowa in the wake of resignation of staffer who had connections to neo-confederate groups
Rand Paul Facing Challenges in Build-Up to 2014 Elections
Could struggle to made Tea Party activists and GOP establishment happy
Rand Paul and Ted Cruz Are Battling for the Evangelical Vote
And their approaches couldn't be more different.
Jack Hunter Resigns From Rand Paul Staff, Returns to Punditry
Faced fire over comments about the Confederacy, Lincoln; says he wants to defend himself from racist charges
Rand Paul, Ted Cruz Join Push for Military Sexual Assault Case Changes
Trying to remove the chain of command from investigations