Rand Paul
Rand Paul: Jeb Bush 'Might Have Been More Artful' When Discussing Immigration
Says "we can't invite the whole world."
If Rand Paul Has Hawks Nervous He's Doing Something Right
The Kentucky senator wants a less aggressive foreign policy, and so do most Americans
Americans Say 75 Percent of Politicians Are Corrupted, 70 Percent Use Political Power to Hurt Enemies
Flight 370 conspiracy theories; college basketball players should share NCAA revenue; distrust of NSA and Facebook; concerns about police misconduct
GOP Hawks Prepare for War—Against Rand Paul
Wary of the noninterventionist's potential 2016 presidential bid
Rand Paul is "Divergent" and So Must be Stopped!
Why are liberals and conservatives freaking out over Rand Paul's popularity? Because he's not one of them.
White House Leaks Proposed NSA Reforms; Can't President Obama Act on His Own?
Obama administration, House Intelligence Committee float proposals
Rand Paul in Berkeley
It doesn't roll as trippingly off the tongue as "Ted Cruz in Takoma Park," but...
Ronald Reagan: Hawk, Dove, or 'It's Complicated'?
Republicans check their WWRRD? bracelets.
The GOP's Big Idea: Elect More Republicans!
At CPAC, Republican rising stars chased an agenda, and electoral victory.
Rand Paul Is Right: Social Conservatives Should Embrace Libertarianism
The growing state, after all—not the atheist—is religion's biggest rival.
Rand Paul: Ted Nugent Should Apologize For Calling Obama a 'Subhuman Mongrel'
Says the "derogatory description of President Obama is offensive and has no place in politics"
Rand Paul: "It's Time to Trash the NSA's Mass Surveillance of Americans, For Good"
Writing in The Guardian
Rand Paul Urges Kentucky Lawmakers To Restore Voting Rights For Felons
Testified before a Kentucky Legislature committee
Rand Paul's Team Denies He Filed Stolen Suit
The senator filed suit against Obama over NSA surveillance yesterday