Trump Is a Green Light for Illiberal Rulers Like India's Modi
The loss of liberalism in America will be costly for persecuted minorities elsewhere.
The loss of liberalism in America will be costly for persecuted minorities elsewhere.
America is losing its soft power to spread liberal values
U.S. attorney Preet Bharara has managed to turn tax-and-spend liberal New York Mayor Bill de Blasio into a sympathetic figure.
True defenders of real liberalism need to take the word back from progressives and conservatives.
Frederick Douglass was an ardent defender of free speech, a principle dismissed by Berkeley protesters and rioters and their apologists.
Constantly looking for people to punish doesn't square with a commitment to liberty.
They should take her argument for school choice seriously, not brand her as an ideologue
National Choice Week would be a good time to get off their high horse
The hit Broadway musical was all that was wrong with 2016, and will likely be wrong with 2017, too.
Amash, Paul, McMullin, Will, and Scalia will help keep the unpredictable billionaire in check.
Amash, Paul, McMullin, Will, and Scalia will help keep the unpredictable billionaire in check.
President-Elect Trump hasn't really done anything out of the ordinary-not yet.
And individual liberty loses. So argues New York University social psychologist Jonathan Haidt.
The one good thing about Trump's win? It shows a willingness among Americans to blaspheme against saints and reject the religion of hollow progressiveness.
It's not really all that open-minded. Science curious people on the other hand ...
The president's signature law is failing spectacularly.
It's an on-brand choice for the Democratic Socialist senator.
Psychoticism: Uncooperative, hostile, troublesome, socially withdrawn, manipulative, and lack of feelings of inferiority
America may survive a Trump presidency. But will the rest of the world?
Supporters of Trump, Cruz, and Rubio more likely to see profoundness in bullshit than supporters of Clinton, Sanders, and O'Malley
Both the social-justice left and the alt-right view the world primarily through identity politics.
Score one for capitalism and economic liberalization: countries with freer markets handle human trafficking better, say researchers.
Left-wing activists complain about Obama's SCOTUS pick.
A new study of U.S. law firms looks at how managers' personal political views affect gender roles at work.
Surely as scientists, liberals are able to maintain their dispassionate objectivity
Liberals simply won't quit blaming privatization for the government-made disaster
Remembering the lessons of FDR's executive overreach.
...and often more dogmatic than conservatives, according to a new study.
We all deserve fair treatment under the law, and we all lose when people let aesthetic and ideological differences obscure that basic truth.
How culture, economies, technology, and government evolve
The ideals of freedom and autonomy must be put back at the heart of the pro-choice agenda. Let's start by defending the right of the pro-life side to say whatever it wants.
From gun control to climate change
Is confiscating half of GDP and high energy prices a winning Democratic strategy?
The students of today aren't super-coddled, they're just following the logic of censorship that earlier liberals either helped to set in motion or shrugged their shoulders at.
Leftist political mag Mother Jones is serving as a mouthpiece for sex-trafficking propaganda from religious nonprofit Covenant House.
The author & basketball great castigates William F. Buckley & conservatives for anti-intellectualism and "an attack on reason."
When a group confuses its politics with moral doctrine, it may have trouble comprehending how a decent human could disagree with its positions.
Trying to turn back the herd of independent minds.
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