Friday A/V Club: The Story of Hitler's England
Something to watch with The Man in the High Castle
Something to watch with The Man in the High Castle
In which we relate the strange saga of Jasper McLevy, because he probably won't turn up in Sanders' speech
Before anyone was afraid of ISIS terrorists disguised as Syrian refugees, Americans were afraid of Nazi agents disguised as Jewish refugees.
Which occupant of the Oval Office flirted with anti-authoritarian ideas in his youth?
There was a time when psychedelics could get friendly coverage on a commercial TV news show.
Compared to these concepts, Carson's theory is downright banal.
The religious right has long been willing to put politics ahead of doctrinal differences.
Examining the role of dissenting opinions in U.S. legal history.
They don't make Republicans like Jack Kemp anymore.
What happened to gun control from 2000 to 2012? Funny you should ask...
A new book argues that black America helped pave the way for the War on Drugs.
A new book examines the life and ideas of the proto-libertarian philosopher.
Americans have always limited trade-and always defied those limits.
Oldest use of the word fucke sexually in writing pushed back 150 years.
Documentary recounts tale of Marine who braved rubble to rescue cops.
Pair of documentaries give their best efforts
Look out, world! Here comes Willkie!
The lengthy history of applying the one-drop rule to our chief executive
A new book sheds light on the singer-songwriter's evangelical years.
But are they really? Large majorities of us prefer creative destruction to government-managed economies.
Once argued 1980 Libertarian presidential candidate Ed Clark and his running mate David Koch deserved to be heard as 'real choices' for American voters.
A few years ago, Congress pardoned the Confederate president but his statues and namesakes may be starting to come down.
The complicated political dynamics between rich presidential candidates and poorer ones far predate the 20th century.
A new book shines some light on the violent radicals of the 1970s but misses their biggest impact on American politics.
The ravages of Hiroshima; the misery of unfunny summer comedies
Free speech, flags, a police riot, and the other time Bill Buckley called Gore Vidal a queer
Does the Privileges or Immunities Clause protect unenumerated rights?
The attempt to airbrush historical stuff from the present is the height of authoritarianism.
The City by the Bay has a second, private police force...with a better record than the government cops.
One of the odder artifacts of the Spanish Civil War
What Sanders' third-party home had to say about guns in 1972
A further reply to conservative law professor Kurt Lash
Just try to order a Guinness in a regular bank.
Laogai prison survivor Harry Wu on human rights abuses in China.
A reply to conservative law professor Kurt Lash.
A look at the flotsam and jetsam of culture keeps floating back to the same dark places.
"Interpreted as it ought to be interpreted, the Constitution is a glorious liberty document."
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