Hillary Clinton Says Letting Activists Criticize Her 'Hollowed Out' Our Democracy
The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee thinks more speech makes elections less competitive.
The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee thinks more speech makes elections less competitive.
If the delusional con man behind Innocence of Muslims can "spark" violence halfway around the word, who can't?
Obamacare is not a good deal for taxpayers.
Top LGBT lobbying group announces a very predictable endorsement.
Which would-be president is worse?
Airs again between 6 P.M. and 7 P.M. tonight.
The former first lady, senator, and secretary of state has a perfect record of hawkishness.
Clinton's intervention in Libya discredits her claim that she learned the lesson of Iraq.
The failure to safeguard state secrets is an area of the law in which the federal government has been aggressive to the point of being merciless.
Some reasons to be skeptical the Vermonter has what it takes to win the Democratic nomination
It's typical for the president not to endorse early, but it's a reminder there's no true 'successor.'
When it comes to foreign policy, there's less difference among the leading contenders than you might think.
Johnson running to be a "spokesman for individual liberty" but would ban the wearing of burqas in United States.
Government gives, government takes away.
The latest burst of birtherism is a reminder of how sad the whole meme always was.
8 p.m. ET, and again at midnight, on Fox Business Network
Did she or did she not promise to 'have the film maker arrested who was responsible'? The Washington Post advances the story.
Political predictions for the New Year at 8 a.m. ET Sunday on MSNBC
Public murders committed with guns are used to try to drive gun policy, even though gun policy is powerless to prevent them.
After Clinton goes one speech without mentioning him.
When Bill and Hillary Clinton, Tipper Gore, Mr. Rogers and the Cos joined at the White House to lament the state of children's TV programming
Socialist government likely to amend French constitution to extend state of emergency, strip citizenship of convicted dual nationals
How to dodge responsibility, whether you're a cop or the president
What is Hillary Clinton thinking now? And what about the other presidential candidates?
She's a terrible candidate, but the parties seem to be in a race to the bottom.
Who got schlonged in 2008? America. And it's been getting schlonged since.
Trump is still winning but it's far from over.
The two leading presidential candidates appall the very voters who will elect them.
If you think Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are awful separately, try to imagine them as one person.
The former secretary of state, senator, and first lady is already running against Donald Trump. She might win, but the country will lose.
Democrats blithely marching toward fifth Bush term.
A rainbow flag in every pot; a law for every slight.
While we've been fixated on Trump, federal prosecutors continue to examine Clinton's tenure as secretary of state.
The billionaire is keeping us all from focusing on just how terrible the Democratic frontrunner really is on everything.
She gets a free pass on her policies but is much closer to winning the White House.
While Trump gobbles the oxygen, Reason keeps pointing out the awful ideas and practices of the Democratic frontrunner
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton: compare 'n' contrast
Both major parties are dead wrong when it comes to the free movement of people and capital across borders.
While Loretta Lynch goes after 'anti-Muslim rhetoric,' Reason goes after pols who would crack down on free expression
For evidence of value-subtracting journalism and commentary, just look around you this week
Hillary Clinton says yes, but it's complicated.
The Democratic candidate's plan is both vague and unnecessary.
Should voters trust Hillary Clinton's promise not to raise taxes?
2013 emails reveal pattern of CNN's Elise Labott working with, and for the goals of, Hillary Clinton's team.
United Health's warning that it may pull out may cause the program to fall apart
A thinly-sourced story about a rogue Clinton campaign staffer goes viral.
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