How To Recover From Debanking
Thousands of people have lost their bank accounts over "suspicious" activity. Here's what to do if it happens to you.
Thousands of people have lost their bank accounts over "suspicious" activity. Here's what to do if it happens to you.
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Scrubbing credit reports won’t erase debt—it will just make borrowing harder for low-income Americans.
His position is grounded in concerns about the separation of powers that presidents of both major parties have raised for many years.
The agency—an unelected regulator with a blank check—has spent much of its short life making things harder for the consumers it set out to protect.
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Instead of isolating the CFPB from Congress' budget-making authority, Warren and former President Barack Obama made it easier for a president to effectively shut it down.
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
This rogue agency stifles innovation, drives up costs, and infantilizes consumers—all while operating without accountability.
Why should an unpopular president shape so much policy on his way out?
An apt ending to Joe Biden's war on junk fees, which only made sense if you refused to acknowledge trade-offs and believed federal regulators are all-knowing.
Sen. Tim Scott introduced a bill Monday to block the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's action by invoking the Congressional Review Act.
Many who see overdraft protection as preferable to other short-term credit options will have fewer choices as some banks decide the service isn't worth offering anymore.
The Solicitor General rejects an academic argument offered in defense of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
The best reforms would correct the real problems of overcriminalization and overincarceration, as well as removing all artificial barriers to building more homes.
The Court will consdier whether to invalidate the CFPB's funding, narrow standing, and overturn Chevron, among other things.
Delayed payments will increase, and companies will respond by raising interest rates—or denying low-income applicants outright.
The CFPB funding scheme is constitutional, the 2nd Circuit says.
Lawmakers should proactively retake the power of the purse from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, regardless of how the Supreme Court rules.
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
The Solicitor General's brief defending how the CFPB is funded contradicts what the agency and others have said in the past.
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals is right to notice that the CFPB is unique even among federal agencies that don't get their funding from Congress.
Innovation should be more important than regulation.
Rather than let students weigh crypto costs and benefits on their own, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau claims to know best.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau claims to be enforcing a law that prohibits "false or misleading representations."
The new president availed himself of Seila Law v. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
A collection of essays analyzing one of the more important administrative law decisions of the October 2019 term.
SCOTUS rules 5–4 in Seila Law v. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
The Chief Justice provides the pivotal vote in the June Medical Services abortion case and Seila Law v. CFPB.
Will the Supreme Court question the underpinnings of the modern administrative state?
What’s at stake in Seila Law v. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau could be completely independent of the next occupant of the White House.
An interesting amicus brief by Professor John Harrison in Seila Law LLC v. CFPB
The Supreme Court will consider a constitutional challenge to the composition of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
In a newly filed brief with the Supreme Court, the Justice Department claims the Consumer Financial Protection Board's structure is unlawful.
The Warren worldview of ill-founded economic pessimism is both bloodless and moralizing.
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
After a monthslong showdown with the Senate, House leaders have agreed to pass a modest set of financial regulation reforms.
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
The Minnesota Representative took CFPB Director Mike Mulvaney to task for 'frosted' glass office.
Maybe don't give the other side the rope to hang you with.
A divided D.C. Circuit holds Congress may insulate the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau from Presidential Control. Will the Supreme Court agree?
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
The D.C. Circuit says the structure of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is OK.
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Liberals and progressives might soon find themselves agreeing with libertarian critiques of the CFPB's unaccountable structure and powerful director.
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
The legal squabble is really a proxy battle over whether the agency will be subject to meaningful political oversight.
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Senate Republicans could vote as soon as this week to repeal the CFPB's ban on arbitration clauses.
Responses to top-down federal dictates are hard to predict.
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
It's the latest effort to use the Congressional Review Act to assert the authority of elected lawmakers over appointed bureaucrats.
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
The CFPB is fighting a three-front war against Congress, the Trump administration, and in the courts to maintain its unaccountable status.
And the potential for Trump to abuse the power of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is huuge.
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Tuesday's federal court ruling won't stop the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau from acting, but will give the president more control over its activities.
Why overregulation of payday lenders is a bad idea
A program meant to stamp out fraud has put a stranglehold on legitimate industries.
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