Officers in Kelly Thomas Beating Death Trial Found Not Guilty
Schizophrenic homeless man was 37-years-old when he died
Could California's Bullet Train Head Back to the Voters?
Another ballot initiative is filed in Sacramento
Calif. Gov. Brown to Propose Billions in New Spending
Plus much smaller amount toward state's massive debt
Effort to Repeal Calif. Transgender Law Moves Forward
Opponents want to bring rule requiring schools to accommodate student gender choice to a vote
California Legislators Introduce Bill Banning State Agencies From Working With the NSA
Bipartisan legislation
Calif. Public Pension Initiative Cleared for Signature-Gathering
Will voters rein in public employees?
Democrats in California Expected To Introduce Legislation To Fund Free Preschool
Spokesman for state senator who came up with the plan says cost details to be released today
Jerry Brown Wants Cap-and-Trade Money for Calif. Train Project
Since industry won't invest in project, let's make them pay to do business in the state and use that money instead
Calif. Students Sue State over Bad Teachers
Argue teacher tenure rules violate state constitution
Libertarian Businessman Says Goodbye to California with the New Year
Death by a thousand regulation-mandated cuts
Judge Rules State Must Count Signatures For Ballot Measure to Repeal New Transgendered Law
Calif. Secretary of State didn't want to count them, claiming the signatures were submitted late
California Supreme Court Grants Law License to Illegal Immigrant
Passed state bar exam, challenged federal law barring illegal immigrants from receiving professional licenses
Republican Activist Working on Proposal to Expand Size of California Legislature to 12,000
Cleared its first hurdle for ballot status
SEC Investigating Calif. Public Pension Fund Purchases
Allegations of possible insider trading
Does the Bell Toll for Excessive Public Pay?
Increasingly, the public may be seeing that the problem isn't a handful of officials who illegally gamed the system, but a system that allows a powerful minority to legally game the majority.
Calif. Schools Prepare for New Law on Transgender Students
While keeping an eye out on referendum that could block it
Man Fights to Get Off Sex Offender Registry for Consensual Teen Sex with Woman He Since Married
Convicted twenty years ago for having sex with a 17-year-old when he was 19
California Regulators Attempt to Kill Sriracha
Why did state regulators shut down the company's sales for a month and push the hot sauce's maker to consider leaving the state?
Calif. Mulls Mandatory Kill Switches for Smart Phones
Pushed by law enforcement officials to discourage theft
Appeal Filed to Stop Removal of Memorial Cross
Korean War memorial on public land in Southern California
Oakland Using Expensive Surveillance System to Track Protesters
Was sold to community as way to fight crime
Prototype GPS Earthquake Monitoring System Being Tested in Southern California
Information from GPS receivers will be processed in real time
Eminent Domain Approved to Seize Land for Calif. Bullet Train
Even though they don't have money to build it yet
Court Pension Ruling Gives Detroit New Hope
We shouldn't have to wait for a city to crumble before it can get control of its debts.
Californians Adopting Increasingly Negative View of Unions
Shift in opinion comes amid latest labor conflicts
Calif. to Open Victim Compensation Funds to Prostitutes
Will be able to get help with costs if attacked on the job
California Regulators Halt Shipping of Sriracha Until Mid-January
Some residents close to factory had complained about odors emitted from the factory
FBI, Medical Experts Pin Kelly Thomas' Brutal Death on Police Beating
Retired FBI agent testified Thomas had right to defend himself from police brutality
Calif. Arrests 'Revenge Porn' Site Operator
Charged people to have their X-rated photos removed
10-Day Waiting Period to Buy Gun May Be Unconstutional
District Court rules it is at least a burden on Second Amendment rights