Grad Student, Lingzi Lu, Was Third Fatality from Boston Bombing
She was watching the race near the finish line
She was watching the race near the finish line
Video from department store security cameras and TV apparently helped
May push the country to sacrifice freedom for security promises
Not that the victims give a shit
We may tell ourselves we don't let terrorists change us, but history indicates otherwise
Lots of speculation to go around, though
Sports imitate air travel.
But will maintain more security at transportation centers for now
Police and firefighters chip in $50,000
Amputations and terrible shrapnel wounds
Boston residents wonder if Patriots' Day will ever be the same again.
Krystle Campbell, 29, was cheering on her boyfriend in the race
The party of Egypt's president wants no association with this mess
...and from every other time a terrible story is developing.
Could provide clues on perpetrators
Investigators combing through photos and videos of bombing for evidence
Was scheduled for last night in Boston
No claims of responsibility
At least 3 dead, more than 100 injured
Tried to enter a restricted area
Twin explosions at Boston marathon