Mother of the Tsarnaev Brothers Continues to Insist They Are Innocent
Zubeidat Tsarnaeva believes her sons were not involved in the Boston Marathon bombing
Zubeidat Tsarnaeva believes her sons were not involved in the Boston Marathon bombing
We must be vigilant against the predictable efforts of politicians to exploit the Boston bombings to aggrandize their power.
Jihad was vaguely discussed
The 26-year-old Chinese entrepreneur escaped from the Tsarnaev brothers
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev had been receiving treatment in hospital after being taken into custody
Obliterated serial number suggests it was black market-sourced
That didn't stop the cops from shooting
Only so much they can do in a free(ish) country
According to law enforcement officials
Still doesn't believe her sons were involved in the Boston Marathon bombing
As we grow more secure, our tolerance for any remaining risk, or even any potential risk, gets smaller.
He may have stopped talking but the anonymous sources haven't
Some people wanted to blame Fox, the channel the captioning error occurred on
FBI apparently said so at Congressional committee hearing
Media history professor also claimed Newtown massacre was staged
When government changes the law to suit the demands of the people when they are weeping, it fundamentally undermines our freedoms.
Tell us how you really feel
That's going to lead to some awkward questions
Which might have been the best reason to stay indoors
Thousands of law enforcement expected to attend
Former college roommates speak to media
Russian security services assisting
Police can ask about ticking bombs without sacrificing the Fifth Amendment.
Basically, a good sign, thought the independent actors are harder to stop
The libertarian senator says the Constitution and the legal system are tough enough to handle hard cases
And one reason why it should.
Tamerlan Tsarnaev's wife converted to Islam when she married him
Shot in the throat, Tsarnaev communicating with authorities via notes
At 27 hospitals across the Boston area
Terrorist tactics should not scare us into undermining the Constitution.
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