Officials Blame Elections for Afghanistan's Opium Boom
'With the presidential election ongoing, there was a huge demand of funding.'
'With the presidential election ongoing, there was a huge demand of funding.'
A Russian member of the Taliban marks first time somebody has brought to the states in this fashion.
Military presence lessens, but, of course, we still have troops there.
Thirteen years after Rep. Lee opposed an Authorization for Use of Military Force, her solitary stance has become mainstream.
Back to Taliban treatment of the U.S. press.
Now that everybody has moved on to the next outrage.
Most people don't spend much time thinking about government policies, which is why bad ones can persist for years or decades.
In poll after poll, Americans reject policies that might put U.S. troops in harm's way.
Afghan locals who helped the US were promised visas to America. They may be left behind to fight the Taliban on their own.
Don't believe haters like Rick Perry and Chris Christie. A libertarian foreign policy is the only cure for what ails us abroad.
The story behind the five Taliban prisoners reflects poorly on the U.S. government.
The real story of how five Taliban prisoners fell into American hands.
America is not winning the War on Terror.
The law prohibits providing material assistance to a terrorist organization, which is what Obama did in releasing five untried Taliban leaders.
Officials say Bergdahl too fragile to be questioned.
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