Nick Gillespie Talking Trump, Cruz, Hillary on CNN's Smerconish, 9-10 A.M. ET
Airs again between 6 P.M. and 7 P.M. tonight.
Airs again between 6 P.M. and 7 P.M. tonight.
Internet encylopedia felt the bern.
Only one other answer, from Chris Christie.
Tune into SiriusXM Channel 121 at 12 ET to hear more with Matt Welch, Gavin McInnes and Liz Mair
More bumbling around tech privacy issues
Time to despair, folks.
The weirdest saber-rattling moments at last night's Republican debate
Cruz's clichéd vision of "New York values" discounts the experience of millions of New Yorkers.
These days, would-be presidents are only interested in increasing spending, especially on defense.
The Kentucky senator says "there's no real reason to have a federal rule on that."
The "free traders" went at it again last night.
Like Obama and Clinton, the former Florida governor wants to "take rights away from law-abiding citizens."
A Rand-less GOP is a terrifyingly authoritarian spectacle.
Lots of bluster about the "world on fire" but very little in the way of details.
On Sonia Sotomayor, Planned Parenthood, and Common Core
News, views, and abuse from the Reason staff on tonight's Fox Business Network GOP debates
GOP presidential candidate had once praised Snowden for making surveillance abuses by government public.
Forget curing cancer, putting a man on Mars, or getting the Cubs a World Series win. We've got bigger problems.
It's all culture-war trash talk, all the time.
The USA Freedom Act wouldn't have happened without the leaks.
The former first lady, senator, and secretary of state has a perfect record of hawkishness.
The "libertarianish" senator lays out vision of limited government while sipping bourbon with Trevor Noah.
Clinton's intervention in Libya discredits her claim that she learned the lesson of Iraq.
The failure to safeguard state secrets is an area of the law in which the federal government has been aggressive to the point of being merciless.
Late-breaking poll shows libertarianish senator in fifth place in Iowa.
The story of Sanders and Trump is a growing and general frustration with politics as it is typically practiced.
Domestically and abroad, he has set more fires than he put out.
What is the Texas senator *for*, other than defending Kim Davis for refusing to do her job as a public employee?
Listen to SiriusXM Insight (channel 121) at noon, and call 877-974-7487 to talk about race and politics in Obama's America
Prideful Paul won't participate in the undercard debate on Fox Business News.
Politics suffer from a lack of numeracy among the public, and politicians.
The senator talks about his Audit the Fed vote tomorrow, why he belongs on the main debate stage, and how the GOP 'needs to become more diverse, not only ideologically but ethnically as well'
It's typical for the president not to endorse early, but it's a reminder there's no true 'successor.'
When it comes to foreign policy, there's less difference among the leading contenders than you might think.
The 2012 LP presidential candidate says "banning face veils wouldn't work, and would be impossible to enforce without infringing on basic rights."
Prediction markets do better than pundits or polls.
Johnson running to be a "spokesman for individual liberty" but would ban the wearing of burqas in United States.
Government gives, government takes away.
The latest burst of birtherism is a reminder of how sad the whole meme always was.
The former two-term governor of New Mexico was the Libertarian Party candidate in 2012.
When Cruz cracks that we'll find out "if sand can glow in the dark," Rubio responds with...this?
GOP frontrunner says voters want "unpredictability."
If you are fed up with both the left and the right, the 2016 candidate pool is a sad state of affairs.
This is not what the U.S.-Mexico border looks like, either today or tomorrow
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