Trump's Mexican Standoff and the New Illiberal Right
When Tucker Carlson and Elizabeth Warren agree on trade, regulation, and social media, it's time to rethink a few things.
When Tucker Carlson and Elizabeth Warren agree on trade, regulation, and social media, it's time to rethink a few things.
Today it's creators, not cops, who want to banish R. Crumb, onetime king of the comics underground.
Is referring to someone as an "Easter worshipper" really an attempt to minimize their Christian identity?
The self-described "a-hole" defends his abrasive brand of in-your-face anarchism.
Plus: outrage over water bottles, and Cory Booker introduces the "next step" on criminal justice reform
Even for conservatives who believe in individualism, group identity trumps all.
A lame headline provokes even lamer charges of incitement to violence.
Plus: Kamala Harris officially enters the 2020 race and Google News may leave the E.U.
Paying customers may be the next targets for social media "deplatforming."
The porn wars haven't died, they're just packaged differently.
Journalists, like other Americans, will have an easier time only when the struggle for control of government stops mattering so much.
Don't mistake this election for a Trump-inspired victory - Quebec's toxic anti-immigration politics are home grown.
So long as anything resembling legitimate elections continue to be held, no political coalition will gain a permanent lock on the future.
Why an attack on "cultural Marxism" isn't compatible with a fight for liberty
Plus: The FDA approves a cannabidiol-based drug and The Intercept explores the NSA's secret spy hubs.
Richard Nixon's battle with Timothy Leary puts today's culture wars to shame.
After oral arguments last year, Stephanie Slade correctly observed that "justices might have found a sort of get-out-of-jail-free card." Also on the Reason Podcast: Bill Clinton, Roseanne, Samantha Bee, Kim Kardashian, and maybe the worst celebrity of the week, Larry Kudlow.
Reflexive "outgroup" outrage and retaliation just leads into tit-for-tat wars.
Conservatives want to hold the left to the Roseanne standard.
So why has a generation of wayward young men welcomed him as their messiah?
The MSNBC host kind of sucked on gay issues 10 years ago. So did most Democratic moderates.
Progressives push their luck with their totalitarian insistence that everybody is with them or against them on guns and so much else.
He's made the party's economic agenda an extension of the culture wars.
The party's commitment to fiscal restraint and limited government have vanished
Forget the debates over laws that can't make a difference; the heat and noise is really all about political tribes attempting to inconvenience each other.
Sloppy seduction or sexual assault? If those are your terms, you're already missing the point.
Indulge in the bloodsport, entrench the new cult of sexual assault accusation she helped create
Let's start by allowing unwitting taxpayers to quit financing a lucrative entertainment industry.
"People believe that the elite academy is destroying our country, and what's good about it."
Monuments do not merely signify the existence of historical facts; they pass judgment upon them.
Republicans nearly at majority approval.
Interesting discussion from Australia's Friedman conference with Claire Lehmann of
"You'd think liberal arts undergrads had the nuclear codes," writes Chris Hayes.
In the spirit of an interracial, equal-opportunity orgy of bougie-ness, check out these tunes and videos.
Nick Gillespie, Katherine Mangu-Ward, and Matt Welch talk Mad Men, Elon Musk, Venezuela, and the value of boozy dinners with male bosses.
The author of We Need to Talk About Kevin and The Mandibles pulls no punches when it comes to race, sex, or economics.
The cure for bad speech is more speech. The cure for bad jokes is … maybe better jokes?
In the future, everybody's religious beliefs will be newsworthy for 15 minutes.
The 'Foreign Agent' author flirts with a "Salman Rushdie moment," doubles down on his #NeverTrump, #NeverHillary stance, and explains how America has "cancer."
This is probably the closest thing to a pro-sex-work stance that any major-party candidate has ever taken.
The Interfraternity Council Monday apologized for how the anti-assault banners "may have been emotionally triggering for survivors."
Cultural changes can happen quite quickly.
You might be a cultural libertarian if... well, that depends on whom you ask.
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