Nevada Governor's Veto Won't Be The End of Medicaid-for-all Proposals
They haven't found any that work yet, but Democrats continue running political experiments with expanding government's role in health care.
They haven't found any that work yet, but Democrats continue running political experiments with expanding government's role in health care.
Under Trump's budget, Medicaid spending would reach the highest level in U.S. history.
The president wants to cut Medicaid but leave Medicare untouched, rewarding supporters at the expense of America's long-term finances.
Look beyond Medicaid to really cut dependence on Planned Parenthood while still ensuring that low-income women have access to medical care.
A live debate at the Soho Forum in New York City.
Republicans don't know how to roll back Obamacare's massive expansion of this lousy program.
GOP efforts to repeal Obamacare will run into a buzz-saw of political opposition
Government watchdog finds yet another increase in wasteful Medicaid spending.
The block grant provides an opportunity for government spending unconnected to the act of revenue-raising.
Ultimately, legislation to repeal and replace the health care law will have to be driven by Congress.
In 2013 it saved Medicare Part D more than $165 million.
The Ohio governor has repeatedly made misleading statements about his expansion of Medicaid under the president's health law.
If Republicans want to strip Planned Parenthood of state Medicaid funding, they'll have to change federal law first.
If the public is being asked to pay more for charity care, and it is, then it's reasonable to ask exactly what it's getting for its money.
Jared Meyer on "Disinherited: How Washington Is Betraying America's Young"
New bill would kill the Hyde Amendment and also stop states from banning private insurance coverage of abortion.
It's not easy to make medical socialism work
Scott says the Obama admin's threat to cut off health care funding if the state doesn't expand Medicaid is coercive.
Error-ridden programs paid out $125 billion in improper payments last year.
It was a classic bait and switch on the American public
The Republican governor's supposedly free market plan is a big industry giveaway.
Medicare may be making mistakes 20% of the time, school lunch programs 15%, and the Earned Income Tax Credit 25%.
Q and A with Philip K. Howard
Supporters argue it helps the criminals and reduces recidivism by giving them health coverage
Plaintiffs argue rights to free speech and association violated
State Medicaid officials in numerous states cannot enroll people into medicaid from the website
What the Native Americans can teach us about the U.S. government and healthcare
Joins Arkansas in the agreement
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