From Moscow With Liberty: Meet the Head of Russia's Libertarian Party
Andrey Shalnev just won an election, and he's sowing the seeds of freedom in an unfree nation.
Iraq Vet Blasts Obama's Blurry 'Boots on Ground' Rhetoric
"You know those boots on the ground everybody's still discussing whether we should deploy? Well, they're already there."
6 Ways Obama Contradicts Himself in Waging War on ISIS
The president's confused and confusing explanation of his new military campaign
Libertarian History/Philosophy
The Anti-Militarist Libertarian Heritage
As expressed by philosophers like Herbert Spencer
Obama's Dumb, Rash, and Unilateral War
Don't buy the president's lame excuses for attacking ISIS without congressional approval.
Waging War Is a Decision for Congress Alone
If the political class ignores James Madison's warnings, it will do so at its peril.