Public schools
A War on Teachers? Let's Hope So.
Betsy DeVos's modest insurgency against failing public schools should be applauded.
Another Court Panel Allows Trans Teen to Use Bathroom of His Choice
Trio of judges reject request by school district to put ban back in place.
School Cop Tries to Arrest Teenage Girl for Violating the Dress Code
"You either come with me to the control room to change your shirt or we will arrest you."
16-Year-Old Commits Suicide After School Cop Threatens Him with Child Porn Charges
"I think they wanted to scare him straight. Instead, they scared him to death."
Texas Transgender Bathroom Panic Law Set to Pass
Compromise waters down worst parts, but it still screws with students.
School Choice Advocates Take Control in Los Angeles
School board election winner wants to see lessons of successful charters replicated within district.
This Kid Was Suspended for 10 Days Because He 'Liked' a Picture of a Gun on Instagram
"Any social media threat will be taken seriously," even when it's not serious.
School Lunches To Suck More Like They Used To
Awful Obama administration-era reforms are being scaled back slightly. School lunches will still stink.
Chicago Mayor Threatens Teens' Diplomas Unless They Participate in Approved Post-School Education
Maybe focus on getting your own nearly bankrupt government in order, Emanuel.
School Suspends 5-Year-Old Girl for Holding Stick That Looked Like Gun
Zero tolerance for little girl pretending to be a princess's guard.
Rockville Rape: Punish the Illegal Immigrants Who Attacked a 14-Year-Old Student, and Only Them
Paranoia about illegal immigrant violence is just that.
Chance the Rapper Million Dollar Chicago Public Schools Donation Going to Specific Schools
Chicago Public Schools looking for more money from state
Supreme Court Punts Transgender Bathroom Case Back Down
Removal of Obama Administration's orders erases question about whether the courts should defer.
Interview: This Arkansas Republican Says Howard Zinn Books Are Too Scary for Students, Should Be Banned
State Rep. Kim Hendren wants to create a safe space from Zinn's radical leftist take on history.
States Weigh in on Supreme Court School Transgender Accommodation Case
After change in administration guidance, several drop legal challenges.
Everybody Agrees This Trans Wrestler Should Compete With Boys, but Government Is the Barrier
Culture is adapting, slowly. Forced solutions make things messier.
Transgender School Bathroom Battle About to Get Even More Complicated (UPDATED)
Trump to withdraw Obama administration's guidance, but that doesn't actually stop case moving forward.
Public School Bans Pro-Diversity Posters to Avoid Offending Pro-Trump Snowflakes
Maryland school district insists "both sides" be heard on any political statement or none at all.
Read Neil Gorsuch's Epic Dissent in a Case Where a 13-Year-Old Was Arrested for Burping in School
Trump's Supreme Court pick isn't a fan of stupid teen arrests.
Teen Throws Paper Airplane in Class. He Was Arrested and Faces 30 Days in Jail.
Police don't belong in schools.
'Teach the Controversy!' Demands Calif. Democratic Legislator—About Trump's Election and Russia
Thanks for helping make the case for school choice, Marc Levine!
The State Has Stopped Trying to Wreck a Teenage Boy's Life Because He Sexted His Girlfriend (For Now)
Austin Yabandith won't go to prison or register as a sex offender. But his mistreatment isn't over yet.
Transgender Bathroom Panic Legislation Comes to Texas
Bill controls school accommodations and also increases penalties for some crimes.
So This Is (Your Annual War on) Christmas
Maybe Santa should just put everybody on the 'naughty' list and be done with it.
It's 2016 and School Districts are Still Pulling To Kill a Mockingbird and Huckleberry Finn From Libraries
One parent's objection to deliberately provocative language gets the classic novels 'temporarily' suspended from a Virginia school district.