Jordan Peterson vs. the Left
Left-wing critics try to silence the University of Toronto professor.
Left-wing critics try to silence the University of Toronto professor.
A day after DOJ joined free speech lawsuit, UM agreed to change policy that said "the most important indication of bias is your own feelings."
"The United States has a significant interest in the vigilant protection of constitutional freedoms in institutions of higher learning."
"Slowly, we will continue to crush the Left's will to resist, as they will crack under pressure."
Conservatives want to hold the left to the Roseanne standard.
A new Vice feature by Michael Moynihan highlights not just disillusioned comics but campus bookers ready to "pull the microphone" from performers who use language deemed intolerant.
"You have to stand proudly for the national anthem," Trump says, "or you shouldn't be playing."
Free extra credit to "encourage female students to go [in]to information sciences."
[UPDATE: The university is now reported (as of Friday, May 25) to be saying that no investigation is taking place, and that the original student newspaper account saying that there was such an investigation was mistaken; but the university hadn't responded to FIRE's earlier queries about the matter, and it hadn't responded to my query before I had to put up my post.]
"'Very liberal' students are nearly four times more likely than moderate and conservative students to favor prohibiting some types of speech."
The Harvard psychologist splits the difference between Dr. Pangloss and Pope Francis.
"For the safety of students of color"
New study explores liberal bias of university faculty-it's worse than we thought
Title IX creates a prisoner's dilemma: students have to file sexual misconduct complaints to avoid becoming the accused.
A pox on all the snowflakes
Does this really not violate Title IX?
"A bias response system has no place in America."
"A horrifying and chilling example of political correctness."
Students at an Oregon liberal arts college launch a self-defeating crusade for a more diverse curriculum.
Speakers' free speech rights threatened
"Let's believe what that person said."
Activists who stormed the stage were shocked when alumni in the audience dared to heckle them.
But a judge thinks her due process rights were violated, since her accusers didn't even show up to the campus tribunal.
But dumb, offensive speech still isn't violence.
Randa Jarrar reveals hypocrisy on the right.
The student handbook makes it clear that students broke university policy.
"Reactionary violence, like rape and domestic violence and torture, can only be responded to with revolutionary violence."
"We're not children! You can't talk to us like that!"
Josh Blackman is one of the leading young libertarian/conservative law professors in the country.
"Time is an issue, and I feel like they were just very much dragging their feet."
"You used language of safety and protection earlier. We see this happening on college campuses all across the country."
And yet we wonder why conservatives have soured on higher education.
"I didn't pay attention in class after that."
"The people in that room all agreed that I had committed sexual harassment by showing my class this film."
Journalist Cathy Young faces off against sociologist Michael Kimmel-with opening standup from comedian Dave Smith.
The Forum features a talk by the author, with commentary by me.
The voices of intolerance have spoken.
"I think the numbers are actually much different than people think."
"They are being watched, and that's a problem."
"The classroom should never be a place where students feel that they are picked at, bullied, intimidated."
"He violated the mutually agreed upon content restriction clause in his contract."
"Keep fighting for free speech, the great meme war," said Count Dankula.
"Everything we think about the political correctness debate is wrong," says Vox's Matt Yglesias. Not exactly.
Very glad to see that there won't be a heckler's tax on the student group's invitation.
"I recognize that it may be especially jarring, particularly for students of color..."
"Microaggressions are real. The gender wage gap is real."
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