China Is Rolling Out a Government Digital Currency. We Shouldn't Try to Copy Them.
Western countries aren’t immune to the siren call of surveillance via commerce-tracking.
Western countries aren’t immune to the siren call of surveillance via commerce-tracking.
In the past, the federal government has sent everyone checks to stimulate the economy. But paying for all the losses that come with a coronavirus-induced shutdown would require more novel policies.
Paired with a new round of quantitative easing, the Fed takes us back to the 2008 playbook.
Series of huge short-term loans to financial services presages a new era of "quantitative easing" and Fed balance sheet growth
It’s all part of the international push by officials to monitor the public. You’re next.
Milton Friedman once said that "money is much too serious a matter to be left to the central bankers." He was right. Still, we should ensure the Fed isn't being swayed by partisan interests.
Regulators hate Facebook's proposed "Libra” currency. They may kill it. But they can't kill Bitcoin so easily.
A new book aims to chronicle the digital currency's ideological origins.
Listen to economists Saifedean Ammous and George Selgin face off at the Soho Forum.
Watch economists Saifedean Ammous and George Selgin face off at the Soho Forum.
Fed governors like Herman Cain or Stephen Moore are likely to want to goose short term apparent prosperity to help the president politically. That's a bad idea.
Q&A with economist Veronique de Rugy.
Trump worries that the Fed chief's predictable interest rate policy could impair the economic growth needed to make his tax policies viable.
The country has liberalized one aspect of the disastrous capital controls established by Hugo Chavez in 2003.
Joseph Stiglitz is the George Costanza of economists: Every instinct he has, do the opposite.
Analysts expect little substantive change from the previous Janet Yellen regime.
Q&A with Caitlin Long, a former Morgan Stanley managing director, cryptocurrency enthusiast, and recent convert to Austrian economics.
Nicolas Maduro's Venezuela is one place where Friedrich Hayek's most dire warnings remain relevant.
Bitcoin, gold, and other unofficial means of exchange get free marketing from idiotic officials.
Another downturn is inevitable. What matters is how we respond.
JFK and the Reagan Revolution argues that America can return to prosperity by looking to the Kennedy-Reagan model of income tax cuts and a strong, stable dollar.
If you want to learn economics from a TV cartoon, you're better off watching South Park.
Embedded in the move is even larger interest on reserves payout to banks.
Republican candidates appear to be ignoring the topic.
"What the voters want is snake oil. They want something that makes them feels good"
Low interest rates ahoy!
Trying to understand one of America's great economic downturns
Anyone who has been watching President Obama's response to the Great Recession will realize that policymakers have learned little since the 1930s.
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