Vatican Official Says China, Which Persecutes Christians and Murders Dissidents, Is the Country 'Best Implementing the Social Doctrine of the Church'
An Argentinian bishop in Rome may not be the best authority on Chinese politics.
An Argentinian bishop in Rome may not be the best authority on Chinese politics.
A baker's dozen Christian libertarians weigh in
We're not all the egoistic Ayn Rand acolytes the Catholic pontiff imagines.
Refusing any voluntary hysterectomies presented as discrimination.
This is why you shouldn't trust a man who has no principles of his own to do right by yours.
SCOTUS unanimously upheld the ministerial exception five years ago. It's already being challenged again.
Tens of thousands marched through Washington, D.C., today. As usual, media outlets paid the protest minimal attention.
Cardinal Antonio Cañizares faces hate speech charges for questioning "gay empire," "radical feminism," and "gender theory" during homily.
The Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the case today.
Judge rules religious freedom doesn't apply given the particulars.
As Ben Carson rises in the polls, the quadrennial question is being posed again.
Markets and globalization have lifted billions out of poverty and lessened global inequality. So what's behind the pope's agenda?
Pope is a "communist and a Marxist" who has "assaulted matrimony" in a "rejection of his papal role," says leading Catholic libertarian.
Even the Roman Catholic Church accepts abortion to save the life of a mother
Why will the Paper of Record publish a condom-Pope but not a Mohammed statue? Catholics aren't loud (or scary) enough.
Archbishop Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo has got something he wants to say to you...
"We cannot change the past but we hope we can rebuild trust through honest and open dialogue," wrote Francis Cardinal George on the website this week. "Child abuse is a crime and a sin."
Pope wants to be more accepting
A case of hearing what you wanted to hear?
Plot to send millions through Vatican bank
Over the course of just two years
Thousands of pages to be provided to victims' lawyers
Supreme Court considering whether to allow Catholic groups to opt out of the contraception mandate during their appeal
Where does the Vatican think its money comes from?
Had been charged under law that only applies to caregivers and parents
Investigation over claims brought forth by underage male
The fired teacher wanted to marry his partner
Had taught there for 12 years
Despite popular misconception, this is not a pro-choice vs. pro-life situation.
The Vatican recently refused to give the United Nations information on alleged abuse
Not a fan of the Pope's "Evangelii Gaudium"
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