School District May Monitor Trash To Measure Consumption of Healthy Lunches
Kids hate the new meals and are tossing vast quantities of food
Kids hate the new meals and are tossing vast quantities of food
Wheat, soy, dairy, and seafood make some people sick. Should we tax or ban those foods as a result?
First Lady Michelle Obama and a host of "experts" were wrong about the USDA's new school lunch rules. Is there another way?
The mayor's soda scheme won't make anyone thinner, but it sets a paternalistic precedent.
How Prop 37 restricts speech and needlessly meddles in consumer choice.
ABC news and Department of Agriculture microbiologist targeted
A new study challenges the conventional wisdom on organic food.
A new study finds that organic foods are not better for you than conventional foods.
Why states are banning farm photography.
More research is needed, so feel free to volunteer
All the broccoli you could ever dream of
Government officials made the suggestion amid food price predictions
The Keystone State's boom in farmers markets might have gone bust.
Charlie Trotter banned smoking and foie gras from his establishments, but opposes legislation to make his preferences mandatory
But ... but ... government agencies are supposed to prevent this!
An interview with Jayson Lusk, whose new report indicates most Americans want more food police
Move could reduce impact on food prices of grain use in fuel production.
The drought is causing the government to prop up both the agriculture and ethanol industries to the detriment of anybody needing to buy food or fuel.
Relief includes emergency loans and opening more federal land.
Pronouncement comes amid the worst drought in decades.
Corn and soybean crops are particularly worrying.
Advocates for the right to choose raw milk still face an uphill battle.
The Windy City's treatment of mobile food vendors is a case study in how to stifle entrepreneurship and innovation in the name of protecting powerful, entrenched interests.
The government has no business interfering with our food choices.
Food-safety regulations don't always mean safer food.
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