Civil Asset Forfeiture
Here's Yet Another Reason to Abolish the Income Tax and IRS: Civil Asset Forfeiture Abuse
The IRS's latest abuse is seizing the bank accounts of people the agency deems suspicious.
How Asset Forfeiture Allows Cops to Steal from Citizens
A Virginia lawmaker takes on policing for profit.
Fictional Infractions and Furry Judges
Two cases give the Supreme Court a chance to limit cops' broad power to stop and search your car.
How Cops Became Robbers
Three features of civil forfeiture law and five Supreme Court decisions make it easy for police to take money from motorists.
Over $455,000 Seized from Medical Marijuana Patient Slapped with Civil Asset Forfeiture
Patient says "there's no such thing as innocent until proven guilty"
Rand Paul Tries to Limit the State's License to Steal
The Kentucky senator's forfeiture reform bill would curtail legal theft.
Calif. Police Officials Charged with Seizing Cars of Poor Latinos and Selling Them
Policing for personal profit
Utah Quietly Rolls Back Asset Forfeiture Reform
Guts ballot initiative approved by voters in 2000
Tenn. Authorities Invoke Terrorism to Try to Justify Asset Forfeitures
Attempting to hide profit motive
IRS Backs Down on Detroit Business Cash Seizure Efforts
Took money from two business's bank accounts with no valid reason, faced lawsuits
Sunrise, Fla., Cops Take Forfeiture Abuse to the Next Level by Becoming Cocaine Dealers
Small agency lures folks in from elsewhere in order to arrest them, take all their stuff