Facebook Messenger Censors (Some of) Your Favorite Porn Sites
Guess which ones made the list and which ones didn't.
Appeals Court Takes on Legalities of NSA Snooping
Obama administration grilled on mass collection of phone records
Dems Push Obama to Declassify Snooping Rules
Want access to legal opinions justifying executive power to collect people's information
That Time the President, the FBI, and a Moonlighting Supreme Court Justice Tried to Dig Up Dirt on a Movie Star
When LBJ ordered an investigation of George Hamilton.
The Latest NSA Revelation Wouldn't Be So Scary If Agency Hadn't Gone Bonkers
How to make a search engine sound terrifying
Cellphone Tracking Means They Can Hear You Now
Suitcase-size systems mimic cellphone towers and follow your every move.
Digital Lineups
The FBI plans to stick the mugs of almost 1 in 6 Americans into a facial recognition database by next year.
Sen. Wyden Calls for Surveillance Policy Shift
"If you would defend a society built on the principle of individual liberty, you need to recognize that you can no longer rely on the fact that mass surveillance is hard - folks, in the 21st century, mass surveillance is easy,"
Fooling the Cameras
Leo Selvaggio plans to confound the world's surveillance systems by distributing lifelike masks of his own face.
Spying, Lying, and Torture
CIA Director John Brennan admitted his agents spied on senators. Then the president said he still has confidence in Brennan.