House Republicans Pass Bill To Prevent Federal Meddling in Online Speech
The bill is overbroad and could have unintended consequences.
The bill is overbroad and could have unintended consequences.
The former head of the NYPD and the LAPD talks about how bad leadership creates police brutality and why he's still against pot legalization.
Plus: ACLU sues over low-flying helicopter during protests, Canada's Online News Act, and more...
Supervisors and judges tolerated outrageous constitutional violations, including illegal searches and brutal assaults.
The president wants to redefine federally licensed gun dealers in service of an ineffective anti-crime strategy.
It argues for increasing the number of cases in the Supreme Court's "Hall of Shame" and proposes three worthy additions.
"I know either way he will use it against me.... And after the fact, I know he will try to act like he has some right to the decision," said the woman in text messages to her friends named as defendants in the suit.
The Ninth Circuit has just decided not to rehear this case, so the panel opinion remains the law.
Plus: The editors recommend the best books for sparking interest in free market principles.
In just two weeks, he has learned to hunt and survive. There's a lesson there.
Even as the president bemoans the injustice of pot prohibition, his administration insists that cannabis consumers have no right to arms.
Under the Kelo v. New London Supreme Court decision, a state can take private land to give to a private developer for almost any reason it wants.
The law allows abortions when there is a "medical emergency"—but what qualifies as an emergency?
Volokh v. James going to the Second Circuit.
It’s a win for self-defense rights in ongoing campaigns to conscript businesses for political causes.
Conservatives have been slow to recognize the threat that drug prohibition poses to gun rights and other civil liberties.
"I hurt every day," said the victim's mother. "I cry all day, every day."
and Educational Diversity Among Private Colleges and Universities," by Prof. James Weinstein (Arizona State).
Members of Congress showed their true colors at a Thursday hearing.
other women's testimony about Trump's alleged past sexual assaults.
Mayor Eric Adams frets that COVID-19 masks are making it too easy for shoplifters to evade facial recognition.
Criticism of public officials doesn't have to be polite, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court confirmed.
The ruling has significant shortcomings and may be overruled on appeal. The Biden Administration's position in this litigation is wrong for much the same reasons as the Trump Administration was wrong to target immigration sanctuaries.
He did "what any dad would—he went to hug his crying kid," says former town councilman Keith Kaplan.
Yes, even children should have access to an attorney.
The trade association says the overbroad and vague A.B. 2273 places unconstitutional burdens on speech.
Judges and prosecutors accused James and Jennifer Crumbley of negligent behavior despite the fact that school officials at the time reached many of the same judgments.
"It's very easy for politicians to legislate freedom away," says Northwood University's Kristin Tokarev. "But it's incredibly hard to get back."
State legislators "have independent agency to do things. I don't control every single bill that has been filed," said DeSantis on Tuesday.
There's been lots of heat, but very little light in coverage and commentary about the lawsuit seeking to revoke FDA approval of mifepristone.
Join Reason on YouTube and Facebook on Thursday at 1 p.m. ET for a discussion with former New York City police commissioner Bill Bratton about the new documentary "Gotham."
Department of Homeland Security
Break it up into fewer, smaller agencies that are more accountable to pre-9/11 departments.
Plus: U.S. special forces seeks “next generation” deepfake tech, the economic cost of the PRO Act, and more…
The president and his predecessor both tried to impose gun control by executive fiat.
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