Lawsuit Over UC Santa Cruz's Diversity Statements Dismissed on Standing Grounds
The court concludes that, because the plaintiff hadn't applied to be hired, he didn't have standing to challenge the policy.
The court concludes that, because the plaintiff hadn't applied to be hired, he didn't have standing to challenge the policy.
Police forced 44-year-old Teddy Pittman facedown on the road at gunpoint after mistaking him for a fugitive. When they let him go, they slapped him with a traffic ticket.
Step 1: Become president. That's the hardest part.
In Jason Statham's latest lowbrow actioner, the bee puns buzz all the way to the top.
Survey finds growing acceptance of civilian firearms among the country’s population.
Republicans should remember that they have spent years railing against censorship on college campuses.
The doctor's claims that he was open to either explanation is flatly contradicted by his literal words.
"The First Amendment prevents DeSantis from identifying a reform prosecutor and then suspending him to garner political benefit," U.S. Circuit Judge Jill Pryor wrote.
In an era when X (formerly Twitter) is blamed for all the ills of the world, here's a case where it did good.
The author discusses how cryptocurrencies are helping people like her build the Africa—and the world—they want.
That's the big takeaway from yesterday's oral argument in Sheetz v. County of El Dorado. But it's not clear whether the Court will resolve any additional issues, and if so how.
Author Magatte Wade discusses how cryptocurrencies are helping people like her build the Africa—and the world—they want.
California made carry permits easier to obtain but nearly impossible to use.
that it’s probably not “‘trying to advance the public exchange of ideas’ essential to a healthy democracy.”
The lawyers also argue that the speech in the newspaper was “not made pursuant to its right of free speech, but to instead to advance the personal agendas of male faculty members at Notre Dame [and others].”
The state Senate bill, which is extremely similar to another House proposal, aims to scrap major First Amendment protections in defamation cases.
The Washington Post hectors Congress to make U.S. life expectancy a "political priority."
The state's law, which a federal judge enjoined last month, prohibits firearms in most public places.
A good illustration of the strong policy of openness in American court cases, even when defendants argue that unfounded allegations in court records are intruding on their privacy and damaging their reputations.
The father had an earlier history of sexually assaulting children.
The panel covered many cases and featured views many would not expect at a Fed Soc event.
The story shows what can happen when those accused of misconduct are subjected to opaque investigations with little due process.
Plus: State officials attempt to ban Donald Trump from 2024 election ballots.
A state judge ruled that a lawsuit seeking clarification on Idaho's vague abortion ban can move forward, despite dismissing some of the suit's claims.
The trial court found that "Decker continued contacting Siewert after she had asked him to stop five times" and "Decker's intent was to impose his will on Siewert to make her write about certain issues and to cover those issues in the way that he wanted them covered."
The Supreme Court judges Eighth Amendment cases with "evolving standards of decency." Some conservative jurists don't like it.
After a federal judge deemed the state's location-specific gun bans unconstitutional, the 9th Circuit stayed his injunction.
Restricting speech about the world's most pressing problems does not make them go away, nor does it settle any disputes.
Westbrook and the Jazz characterized the fan's insults to Westbrook as racist; in context, the court concluded, these were constitutionally protected statements of opinion.
Letting state officials determine whether a candidate has "engaged in insurrection" opens a huge can of worms.
Colorado, North Dakota, probably Montana, and maybe New York.
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