Woman pixelated | Illustration: Lex Villena; Kadettmann

Police Abuse

Detroit Police Wrongly Arrested Woman After Facial Recognition Tech Misidentified Her as Shooting Culprit

This isn't the first time Detroit cops have arrested the wrong person after using facial recognition software.


Montana 'Abortion Trafficking' Bill Could Criminalize Crossing State Lines for an Abortion

Transporting "an unborn child" from Montana to another state "with the intent to obtain an abortion that is illegal" in Montana, or assisting anyone in doing so, would be illegal under House Bill 609.

A picture of John McWhorter against a backdrop of protesters holding cardboard signs. The Reason Interview logo is in the bottom left corner and the words "that time is over" are in white and orange | Illustration: Lex Villena

Civil Liberties

John McWhorter: Is 'Wokeness' Finally Dead?

New York Times columnist and linguist John McWhorter discusses the rise and fall of "woke," DEI and affirmative action, and his new book on the history of pronouns.

President Donald Trump speaks during a press conference | CNP/AdMedia/SIPA/Newscom

Trump Administration

District Judge Blocks Trump's Refugee Resettlement Pause, Saying It 'Crossed the Line'

“I cannot ignore Congress’ detailed framework for refugee admissions and the limits it placed on the president’s ability to suspend the same,” said Judge Jamal Whitehead.


The Reason Interview With Nick Gillespie
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Why the Internet Celebrated a Killer

Combine moral zealotry with increasingly blurred lines between political speech and violence long enough, and the outcome is predictable.

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