Trump To Withdraw From Paris Climate Change Agreement, Again
Does it matter?
Why do environmentalist ideologues oppose research on a possible emergency backup system to cool the climate?
Activists oppose research on how to safely deploy an emergency cooling system for the planet.
Instead of opposing nuclear power, climate activists should be thronging the streets demanding a faster rollout.
It's virtually certain that 2023 will be the warmest year ever in the instrumental temperature record.
But there may come a time when you remember it as cool.
A new satellite global temperature data series bolsters the case that climate models are running way too hot.
Climate change is a problem, but the IPCC AR6 Synthesis Report is wrong to suggest that humanity is on the brink of catastrophic warming.
Reason first argued for researching such a planetary emergency cooling system 26 years ago.
The good news is that does not mean "instant Armageddon" by 2030.
Science Correspondent Ronald Bailey surveys the provisions within the recent Inflation Reduction Act aimed at curbing U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.
With upticks in cities with greater proportions of immigrant laborers and homeless people
And avoid implausible, worst-case scenarios for greenhouse gas emissions too.
But only if politicians 30 years from now keep promises made by politicians today.
New U.N. report says we are about to "miss a brief and rapidly closing window of opportunity to secure a liveable and sustainable future for all."
Another good reason to stop subsidizing people to live at the beach.
Global temperature to rise to around 2.2°C above the pre-industrial average by 2100.
Increasing weather damage costs are not reliable evidence for climate change.
The Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change issues its Sixth Assessment Report on the global climate.
The last seven years have been the warmest seven years on record.
A doubling of carbon dioxide all but guarantees warming of more than 2 degrees Celsius, says a new study.
The Breakthrough Institute's Ted Nordhaus urges Americans to reject both doomism and denialism.
The past five years have been the warmest of the last 140 years.
Or, will global leaders ignore them just like they did the People's Climate March in 2014?
Rising temperatures are mostly happening in the winter and at night.
At least in the lower 48 states.
Worst-case scenarios mislead far more than they enlighten.
Extreme weather events around the globe have tripled since the 1980s, but what's happening in the U.S.?
Implausible worst-case scenarios do not further the debate over reasonable policies for addressing climate change.
Is the study's worst-case climate scenario wrong?
New report declares world must be off fossil fuels entirely by 2050.
Chopping down forests and irrigating rice paddies boosted greenhouse gases enough to prevent the onset of a new ice age
A new study in the Journal of Climate compares global temperature data trends since 1850 with model outputs.
It was the 41st consecutive year with global temperatures above the 20th-century average.
"We calculated that value as 1.1 C (almost 2° Fahrenheit), while climate models estimate that value as 2.3 C (about 4.1° F)"
A Nature Geoscience study finds that humanity has more time to avert dangerous man-made warming.
Paris Agreement Climate Change
The climate after Trump
It depends on what the meaning of the word "hiatus" is.
Does new study reconcile controversies about the 'global warming hiatus'?
At least for the next several decades.
New study finds Americans would prefer warmer weather on balance
Global climate trend since Nov. 16, 1978: +0.12 Celsius per decade
Settled science and confirmation bias all the way down
Another update on the 'settled science' of climate change
Global climate trend since Nov. 16, 1978: +0.12 C per decade
16 of the 17 warmest years on record have occurred since 2001
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