Free "2023 Supplement" for "Firearms Law and the Second Amendment"
Covering the many developments in 2022-23.
Covering the many developments in 2022-23.
Special Counsel David Weiss will face a Second Amendment challenge if he prosecutes the president's son for illegally buying a firearm.
Violators are rarely caught, while the unlucky few who face prosecution can go to prison for years.
The decision casts further doubt on the constitutionality of a federal law that makes it a felony for illegal drug users to own firearms.
The plaintiffs in VanDerStok think that BATF's 2022 regulations defining certain gun-making kits as legally the same as guns overreached its constitutional authority.
The nature of their conduct is a better indicator of the punishment they deserve.
Plus: A listener question concerning drug decriminalization and social well-being
A judge's questions about his plea deal should not obscure the point that the law he broke is unjust and arguably unconstitutional.
A federal judge says the ATF can’t arbitrarily classify inert objects as gun parts.
Researchers report that many gun owners, especially newer ones, falsely deny owning guns.
Now both a violent and nonviolent felon have been found by lower courts to have a Second Amendment right to own weapons. The Supreme Court will likely consider the issue in the near future.
The government appears to agree that Charles Foehner shot a man in self-defense. He may spend decades behind bars anyway.
The man behind 3D-printed guns talks about beating the ATF, his abiding interest in cyberpunk culture, and what comes next for "practical anarchy."
California’s governor insists his “28th Amendment” would leave the right to arms “intact.”
The decision highlights the injustice of a federal law that bans gun possession by broad categories of "prohibited persons."
As pot prohibition collapses across the country, that policy is increasingly untenable.
Plus: Flaws in studies linking teen social media use to depression, debt ceiling deal passes Senate, and more...
Building on what had come before, the Madison-Monroe research program led the way to the many innovations of the 19th century
The state defied a Supreme Court ruling by banning guns from myriad "sensitive places."
U.S. District Judge Robert Payne concluded that 18-to-20-year-olds have the same Second Amendment rights as older adults.
Mass shooters typically do not have disqualifying records, and restrictions on private gun sales are widely flouted.
Conservatives who support the bill recognize the conflict between unannounced home invasions and the Second Amendment.
A preliminary injunction in Illinois may signal the demise of a long-running public policy fraud.
A federal lawsuit notes that the new law draws arbitrary distinctions and targets guns in common use for legal purposes.
Bullet speed matters, but so does bullet weight
U.S. District Judge Kathleen Cardone was unimpressed by the Biden administration's argument that marijuana users are too "dangerous" to own guns.
No, and that good news needs to be front and center in all discussions of gun control, especially after school shootings.
The Biden administration is defending a federal law that disarms Americans based on "boilerplate language" in orders that judges routinely grant.
The 5th Circuit noted that such orders can be issued without any credible evidence of a threat to others.
New study sees Chicago harassing and arresting people for paperwork violations, damaging their ability to live and work, without demonstrable effect on gun violence
Defending a categorical ban on gun possession by cannabis consumers, the Biden administration cites inapt "historical analogues."
A new Netflix documentary shows how the seeds of political polarization that roil our culture today were planted at Waco.
The president wants to redefine federally licensed gun dealers in service of an ineffective anti-crime strategy.
Even as the president bemoans the injustice of pot prohibition, his administration insists that cannabis consumers have no right to arms.
Conservatives have been slow to recognize the threat that drug prohibition poses to gun rights and other civil liberties.
The ruling has significant shortcomings and may be overruled on appeal. The Biden Administration's position in this litigation is wrong for much the same reasons as the Trump Administration was wrong to target immigration sanctuaries.
A New York Times story about the state's location-specific gun bans glosses over the vast territory they cover.
The longest-serving California senator was a hardline drug warrior, a surveillance hawk, and no friend of freedom.
Guidance for judicial examination of legal history.
Although the law did not change, regulators suddenly decided to criminalize unregistered possession of braced pistols.
Join Reason on YouTube and Facebook on Thursday at 1 p.m. Eastern for a discussion about the Second Amendment, gun control, and mass shootings.
As usual, Biden's gun policy proposals bump up against reality.
The government argued that marijuana users have no Second Amendment rights because they are dangerous, unvirtuous, and untrustworthy.
The president seems to have forgotten his concession that such laws leave murderers with plenty of options that are "just as deadly."
The researchers identified 662 cases involving threats to multiple victims, but they concede that it's likely "there are many more threats than completed events."
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